The international curriculum in “Arts, Museology and Curatorship” aims to provide training to students who wish to work in the various fields of international artistic heritage and curatorship, as well as to those who plan to continue their training in schools of specialization and PhD programmes.
Examples of professional figures in the context of artistic heritage and curatorship:
Function in a working context:
The expert in mediation and valorization of the historical and artistic heritage deals with the planning, organization and implementation of the communication of works, collections and museums to the public, by using complementary tools and technologies, from traditional art publishing methods to the web; s/he develops forms of museum education which are available also to an international public; s/he designs and organizes the valorization and promotion activities related to the historical and artistic heritage; s/he collects, reports and comments on news of the national and international artistic field (cultural events, exhibitions, etc.) and coordinates her/his work with other specific sectors such as the fields of education and tourism.
Function in a working context:
The figure of the expert of art - in its different meanings of art critic, expert of the visual arts system, art historian - carries out activities of identification, knowledge, research, protection, management, valorization, training and education related to historical-artistic assets. It is a profession of high intellectual content which is carried out in public and private institutions as well as in self-employment. The art expert applies his/her knowledge to evaluate / identify / promote works of art and artists, also in the international field.
Specific tasks of this professional figure are: identifying, analyzing, documenting, evaluating historical-artistic assets; curating collections and exhibitions, managing galleries; carrying out studies, research, training and education in the field of Visual Art.
Function in a working context:
The figure of the curator and conservator of private and public collections, foundations, museums - in its various meanings of director, conservator, curator, responsible for educational and communication services - records, programs, organizes, supervises and controls the activities related to the management of collections; s/he carries out research and evaluates and guarantees the preservation of artefacts of historical, cultural or artistic interest and works of art; s/he makes the documentation available on digital or analogical supports; coordinates activities of valorization and cultural mediation; manages / promotes cultural programmes; organizes exhibitions and events also at an international level; manages / coordinates human resources; manages / coordinates the organization of the structure. S/he takes care of the relations with the public, with institutions (also at an international level), with related Ministries and with associations and sponsors. S/he coordinates her/his work with other specific sectors such as preservation, restoration and communication.
Function in a professional context:
Experts in mediation and enhancement of the historicaland artistic heritage design, organise and implement communication to thepublic of works, collections and museums using complementary tools andtechnologies from traditional art publishing to the web; they draft educationalactivities for museums that can also be used with foreign visitors, design andorganise activities for enhancement and promotion linked to the historical andartistic heritage; they collect, report on and comment news in the national andinternational art world (cultural events, exhibitions, etc.); they coordinatetheir activities with other specific sectors such as teaching and tourism.
Competencies associated to thefunction:
Experts in Mediation and enhancement of the historicaland artistic heritage are able to autonomously implement historical-artisticresearch and effectively and appropriately communicate the values of theartistic heritage in all its forms according to the needs of the recipients;they have a strong command of the specific vocabulary also in one or moreforeign languages and can work positively in an international environment. Theyare familiar with word processing programmes, archive management techniques anddigital and non-digital databases. They possess basic competencies in theethical and social motivations linked to the enhancement and use of the culturalheritage. They are able to coordinate their work with other institutional andprofessional partners, also through their knowledge of cultural heritage andcopyright laws.
Career opportunities:
These graduates can work in professions linked to thespecific historical and artistic sectors in public or private institutions inItaly or abroad, particularly in the sectors of educational, cultural andcommunication services (traditional and web publishing; public and privateradio and television; press offices in museums, foundations, tourismassociations…).
In accordance with the applicable laws in force, 2ndcycle graduates may also continue their university studies and go on to studyfor a third-cycle degree, undertaking research or professional studies (SpecializationSchool, research PhD, second level master's degree).
2nd cycle graduates with sufficient credits inappropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams for trainingprogrammes to teach in secondary schools, in accordance with the applicablelegislation.
Art Expert
Function in a professional context:
In the various functions of art critic, visual artsexpert, art historian, art experts work in the identification, knowledge,research, protection, management, enhancement, training and education in thefield of historical and artistic heritage. This highly intellectual professionis carried out in private and public institutions as well as on a freelancebasis. Art experts apply their knowledge to assess / identify / promote worksof art and artist in the international field.
The specific tasks of this professional figure include:identifying, analysing, documenting, assessing historical and artisticheritage; curating collections and exhibitions, managing galleries; study,research, training and educational activities in the Visual Arts field.
Competencies associated to thefunction:
The disciplinary competencies linked to the course unitsin the course structure diagram and the complementary nature of the proposedteaching methods produce figures able to autonomously develop historical andartistic research and communicate the values of the artistic heritage in allits forms effectively and appropriately to suit the needs of the recipients.They are able to work positively in an international environment, coordinatingtheir activities with those of other institutional and professional partners,also through their knowledge of one or more foreign languages and the culturalheritage laws. Art experts also possess basic competencies in the ethical,legal and social motivations linked to the management of the cultural heritage,also in the business field, and have notions of cultural management.
Career opportunities:
Graduates can work in the specific historical andartistic sector on a freelance basis or for public and private institutions inItaly and abroad, particularly in cultural and communication services and inall areas of the art market.
In accordance with the applicable laws in force, secondcycle graduates may also continue their university studies and go on to studyfor a third-cycle degree, undertaking research or professional studies(Specialization School, PhD programme degree, second level master's degree).
2nd cycle graduates with sufficient credits inappropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams for trainingprogrammes to teach in secondary schools, in accordance with the applicablelegislation.
Museum Curator
Function in a professional context:
Curators of public and private collections, foundations,museums – as director, curator, head of educational and communication services,registrar - programme, organise, supervise and monitor the activities linked tothe management of collections, carry out research, assess and guarantee theconservation of artefacts of historical, cultural or artistic interest andworks of art; they make available the related documentation on digital oranalogue supports; they coordinate cultural enhancement and mediationactivities; they manage/promote cultural programmes; they organise exhibitionsand events, also internationally; they manage/coordinate human resources; theymanage/coordinate the structure organisation. They liaise with the public,national and foreign institutions, related ministries, associations andsponsors. They coordinate their activities with other specific sectors,including protection, restoration and communication.
Competencies associated to thefunction:
Museum curators are able to autonomously conduct in-depthhistorical and artistic research and effectively and appropriately communicatethe value of the artistic heritage in all its forms to suit the needs of therecipients; they have knowledge of the specific vocabulary in one or moreforeign languages; they have basic competencies in the ethical, legal andsocial motivations linked to the protection and enhancement of the culturalheritage. They are familiar with word processing programmes, archive managementtechniques and digital and non-digital databases, and can work positively in aninternational professional environment, coordinating their activities toenhance the historical and artistic heritage with those of other institutionaland professional partners, also thanks to their knowledge of one or moreforeign languages.
Career opportunities:
The 2nd cycle degree programme in Visual Arts allowsgraduates to work in different private and public professional contexts (withaccess according to the regulations in force): at specific institutions such asSuperintendencies and Museums, Cultural Centres, Foundations, Italian andforeign public and private institutions and bodies. Graduates can work inprofessions linked to the specific historical-artistic sectors, particularly inmuseology and curatorship, all forms of cultural and communication services, holdingresponsibility in sectors concerning the knowledge, cataloguing, study,protection and recovery of historical and artistic heritage.
Exercise of the curator profession in public museums issubject to a specific post-graduate specialisation course.
In accordance with the applicable laws in force, secondcycle graduates may also continue their university studies and go on to studyfor a third-cycle degree, undertaking research or professional studies(Specialization School, PhD programme degree, second level master's degree).
2nd cycle graduates with sufficient credits inappropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams for trainingprogrammes to teach in secondary schools, in accordance with the applicablelegislation.