Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Recognition of the French B2 level exam

How to ask for the recognition of the French B2 level exam

Please see also the information at the CLA website:

Students already holding a B2 French level certificate (or higher), can ask for the recognition of the certificate in order to obtain the credits foreseen for the B2 French level exam.

How to ask for the recognition of the language exam

The recognition procedure can be started exclusively through Studenti Online.

To start the procedure:

  • Enter your Studenti Online profile by inserting username and password
  • On your Studenti Online profile, select “Riconoscimento idoneità linguistica”

ATTENTION: The procedure can only be started if the language exam is foreseen in your study plan on AlmaEsami.

If the prerequisites are satisfied, it is possible to present your recognition request:

  • Select "Procedi" and start the guided procedure
  • Verify your address and the data inserted
  • Select the activity to recognize
  • Specify which certificate you intend to present
  • Upload the scanned certificate (in .pdf, clear and possibly in colour version) you wish to get recognized (NB: the ‘Statement of results’ are not considered as valid)
  • Visualize the resume and send your request

Important: after having completed your recognition request online, the CLA will proceed with the elaboration and potential acceptance of your request, without further formalities. However, sample controls of the presented certificates will be operated. In case you are convocated for a control of your certificate, please present the original certificate to the competent Secretariat of the CLA during the opening hours indicated on the CLA website; the recognition will not be proceeded without the presentation of the original certificate.

Certificates eligible for recognition

The certificates admitted for recognition are the following:

  • International certifications listed in the Tabella certificazioni equipollenti.
  • "Attestati di frequenza con profitto dei corsi CLA, sia delle sedi della Romagna che di Bologna, della durata di 50 ore". (Excluded are the intermediate levels of the CEFR, the certificates regarding the preparatory courses of TOEFL or IELTSB2. The certificates must in any case be of the requested level or higher).
  • "Diploma di maturità del Liceo Galvani di Bologna, sezioni internazionali, per cui è attiva una speciale convenzione per il riconoscimento delle prove".
  • "Diplôme du baccalauréat (progetto ESABAC)".

In case of certificates obtained before enrollment, they will be considered as valid for the whole duration of the degree programme only if they have been obtained within the limit of three years prior to enrollment at the University of Bologna, indipendently from the official validity established by the organisation which has issued the certificate.

Please see also the official information at the CLA website (in Italian).