Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Recommended readings for AMaC students

general book suggestions for AMaC students

  • Stephen J. Campbell and Michael W. Cole, Italian Renaissance Art, second edition, 2 volumes, New York, Thames & Hudson, 2017 (or previous edition, 2012)
  • R. Wittkower, Art and architecture in Italy 1600 to 1750, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1965 (or recent editions)
  • R. Rosenblum-W.H. Janson, 19th-Century Art, Prentice hall, 1983
  • Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, David Joselit, Art Since 1900: Modernism Antimodernism Postmodernism, Thames & Hudson, 2004 (or recent editions)
  • Catherine Ballé, Dominique Poulot, Musées en Europe. Tradition, mutation et enjeux, Paris, La documentation française, 2020.