Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Self learning activities and language tutor support to prepare for the French B2 level exam

Modalities of self learning and how to contact the language tutors

Please see also the official information on the CLA website:

Self learning activities

The University's Language Centre CLA - Centro Linguistico di Ateneo offers free access for students and staff of the University of Bologna to its multimedial language learning resources, through its e-learning platform.
The CLA online resources can be used at home or at the Language Labs in Via Filippo Re, for all curricular languages, for Italian as second language ("italiano L2") and for some non European languages.
In any case, the access to the online resources must be done by using the UniBO account and password.

Self learning assisted by a language tutor

Besides studying autonomously, it is possible to ask for the support of a language tutor at the labs in Via Filippo Re, 10. For further information write to:

Currently, the language tutor service is available only online. To access the tutors' assistance service: Aula TEAMS per Autoapprendimento assistito da tutor


Instructions for the online assistance procedure

  1. When connecting, write a message in the chat indicating your name, surname, the time you connected, the degree programme you are enrolled in and your UniBO e-mail address (Example: Mario Rossi, 9:30, Visual Arts,
  2. The tutor will reply and will then create a private chat with each student, where the student will receive the language assistance (through private chat and video call).

NOTA BENE: If the tutor appears in modality “al telefono” (with a red sign), this means that he/she is helping another student. In this case, wait for your turn. Once the tutor will be available, he/she will reply to your first message.

For further information and for the tutors' timetable please see:

Online learning resources for French, English, Italian, Spanish and German

The online learning resources regard the following languages: French, English, Spanish, German and Italian as second language (Italiano L2) from a beginner's level to an itermediate level and are recommended mainly for the preparation of the language level exams, but they can be used also for exercise or to improve your language level. The online learning resources count over 2000 pages of multimedial exercises with activities regarding grammar, listening, reading and comprehension.
To select the most adequate self learning activities, you can get in touch with the language tutors at the language labs in Via Filippo Re or contact them by e-mail at
For the preparation of the language exams, the CLA recommends the use of didactic manuals.