Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Economics and Market Policy

Expected learning outcomes

2nd cycle graduates in Economics and Market Policy will have a solid grasp of the modern theoretical aspects of micro- and macroeconomics, economic policy and econometrics, as well as specific, in-depth knowledge of the main empirical research techniques in these areas.
The teaching tools include an appropriately balanced ratio of lectures, seminars, practical exercises and discussion groups, as well as supervised and autonomous self-study.

Assessment is mainly through written and oral exams, with some written assignments set for specific activities.

Economics and Market Policy graduates:
- will possess appropriate specialist knowledge of economics and are able to apply:
a) highly qualified information on the internal framework of organisations and the regulatory and institutional framework of complex and rapidly transforming markets;
b) information analysis and synthesis skills;
c) skills to formulate flexible strategies to effectively pursue objectives (maximisation of profit for private, for profit companies, accountability, cohesion and equality objectives for non-profit organisations);
- will be able to use the relevant results, primarily mathematical and statistical techniques and knowledge of business and legal fields, in other fields;
- will be fully familiar with business and market information flow analysis techniques and will be able to process them for strategic and forecasting purposes.
The teaching tools implemented aim to develop application skills in specific, concrete situations. They include an appropriate, balanced ratio of lectures, laboratory work, practical exercises and the development of individual and group projects.

Assessment is done through written and oral exams, written assignments, practical work and problem solving activities which aim to demonstrate the students' command of tools, methods and critical autonomy.

Economics and Market Policy graduates:
- will be able to competently and autonomously manage business and legal problems;
- will be able to consider the aspects of anti-monopolistic and market regulatory legislation as well as issues concerning the market and financial strategies of businesses;
- will be able to apply these techniques to real cases and data;
- will have a critical approach to the most recent issues and instruments of their field.
Judgement skills are particularly developed in individual and group project work, and during the production of an original, partly autonomous dissertation on a research subject agreed with the supervising professor. Seminars and laboratory activities, personal assignments and oral presentations will also allow the students to develop their critical and judgement skills.
They are assessed during the course units chosen by the students in their studies and their ability to work autonomously as well as in groups. Great importance is also placed on the assessment of the report presented by the students following their internships, the final examination and relative preparatory activities.

Economics and Market Policy graduates:
- will be able to communicate the results of their own research and other economic literature through oral presentations to scientific conventions, workshops and working meetings, and through analytical business reports presented to top company management.
- will be able to communicate their research results in written form and produce company reports.
Communication skills will be developed through a variety of learning activities and assessed through written assignments, laboratory work, oral presentations, the coordination of or participation in working groups and seminars, as well as the comprehension of texts, interventions and seminars in the English language. Students will also be required to coordinate and participate actively in study groups.

Economics and Market Policy graduates will be able to:
- understand the main theoretical and empirical results of modern economics and economic policy.
- develop applied research projects, under supervision.
Learning skills are developed and assessed through various activities – self-study (monitored through periodic tests), the organisation of study time dedicated to laboratories, bibliographic studies and continuous research, interaction in seminars, the correction and, where required, rewriting of assignments.

The study programme offers ample opportunity for autonomous activities, including individual and group project work. It is completed by the production of a dissertation, guided by the professors acting as supervisors and external examiners. The final examination also provides an incentive for autonomous research as well as collaboration with the supervising professors, and is a further opportunity for the assessment of learning skills.