Curriculum LEIF - Law and Economics of International Finance


LEIF - Law and Economics of Insurance and Finance

LEIF is a two - year graduate (2nd cycle) course that prepares experts in law and finance. The official language is English. Foreign students are welcome.

LEIF sets high academic and intellectual standards. In order to be admitted, students should have good knowledge of economics and law. Admission is conditional upon the assessment of  the applicants' academic preparation, CV and motivation. For the academic year 2018-19 there are 40 places available.

LEIF is a high-level, interdisciplinary program, with a strong European and international orientation. The program  conveys a robust and substantial knowledge of the characteristics of financial markets and of their regulation and supervision (including the newest trading systems, and the specifics of the insurance sector), with a clear  focus on global standards and the EU Single Rulebooks. It trains students in the fundamental  instruments for corporate governance for banks and financial institutions, in risk management, business performance analysis, credit rating and rating in trust services. Students acquire specialized knowledge on monetary policy, central banking regulation and prudential supervision.

Rigorous class learning is complemented by seminars held by experts from central banks, consulting firms and financial institutions, providing case studies and illustrating the practical implications of current legal positions. Students can complete their training with a curricular internship.

At the end of this remarkably innovative two-year program, students understand the functioning of the financial markets and their regulation and supervision with a wide set of abilities which allow them to operate either at international, European or national authorities or at financial institutions in a fast-changing sector, actively participating to the design of new financial and monetary policies, in the context of a growingly integrated system in Europe and worldwide.

Do you want to know more about this programme?

Check LEIF study plan.

Check the details of LEIF learning outcomes and activities in the attached PDF.

Check  five reasons why LEIF could be the programme you are looking for.