Curriculum LEIF - Law and Economics of International Finance

Graduation sessions

The modalities of the discussion and/or proclamation

Convocations for Graduation will be available on StudentiOnline. The date, time, place and members of the Graduation Committee will then be announced via this mode.

The proclamation and announcement of the final grade will take place immediately after the discussion.

For the Statistics degree programmes, the President (or his/her delegate) will normally proceed with the proclamation of each candidate in the Aula Magna of via Belle Arti, 41.

For the Economics and Management degree programmes, the President (or his/her delegate) will normally proceed with the proclamation of each candidate in the halls of the Ranzani Complex.

Graduation's conference call: how guests can join the call

To allow your guests to participate in the graduation session remotely click on the ‘Ospiti’ button in the graduation application on StudentiOnline. You will receive an e-mail with the credentials that must be used to log in to Teams and access the virtual graduation session room. These credentials can be used by multiple people at the same time. Only after, share the link included in the convocation.

Rules of conduct

Graduating students and guests are required to observe certain rules of conduct during the course of the graduation sessions:

- Arrive at the location indicated with utmost punctuality, respecting the convocation time;

- Wait your turn, without disturbing other teaching activities;

- Do not stay in the indoor spaces after the proclamation;

- Celebrations must take place exclusively outside the building, avoiding any excesses and taking care to maintain a sober behaviour in keeping with the place;

- It is in any case strictly forbidden to soil the occupied spaces (inside and outside the structure) with food, drinks, confetti.

The University refers graduands and their guests to Article 2043 of the Civil Code, with particular consideration for responsibility for damages and Article 635 of the Penal Code, referring to criminal damages. In the event of disturbances, the President of the Degree Committee is authorised to suspend the session.

For photo shoots, please read the rules in the column on the right.