Curriculum LEIF - Law and Economics of International Finance

Programme aims

The second cycle degree programme in Economicsand Law aims to train specialists who will have solid knowledge in the fieldsof economics, law, statistics and business administration, as well as theability to analyse the interactions between economic systems and institutionalframeworks and to understand the influence of rules and regulations on the waybusinesses, markets and public administrations operate.
Introduction to learning areas
The course programme provides appropriate training in three areas oflearning: economics, law and business administration.
Through the study of economics, students gain advanced knowledge ofeconomic analysis in the main sectors concerning business activities and marketregulation. In particular, students gain detailed knowledge of regulationmodels and of the main methods of economic intervention for private sectorenterprises as well as public enterprises or enterprises with publicparticipation. They acquire sound knowledge of the economics of competition andthe ability to analyse antitrust cases autonomously. They have in-depthknowledge of the economic functions of the various intellectual property laws.They also know the main (institutional and private) components of businessecosystems and how these affect business start-ups and growth rates. All thisenables them to understand the interactions between economic systems andinstitutional frameworks and to assess the influence of rules and regulationson the way enterprises, markets and public administrations operate. The studyof economics subjects is strengthened by the study of statistical and dataanalysis methods, thanks to which graduates with a second cycle degree ineconomics and law learn to critically assess the quantitative implications oflegal and regulatory requirements through an empirical-inductive approach.
The study of law subjects is complementary to the study of economics,and provides graduates with a second cycle degree in economics and law with therequired knowledge of the statutory and regulatory frameworks governing all themain sectors concerning business activities. Students thus acquire knowledge ofthe relevant legal instruments for dealing in the global market, protectingcompetition and intellectual property, dealing in the capital and the bankingmarket and local authorities. They are familiar with regulations relating totransport, environmental protection and agro-food markets as well as theenvironmental tax system and business tax laws. Finally, they are familiar withcriminal business law and compliance issues.
The study of business subjects provides students with knowledge of thefoundations of business economics and business accounting in particular, ofbudgetary analysis, cost analysis, planning and management control. Studentsalso learn elements of business planning and strategy and study theorganisation of human resources and various organisational behaviour models.
The English language curriculum trains specialists with in-depth knowledgeof economics, law, statistics and management economics, able to analyse theoperation and institutional arrangements of financial and banking markets
The study of economic subjects provides in-depth knowledge of thecharacteristics of financial markets (including the most recent tradingsystems), monetary policy and the operation of central banks, as well as thefundamental tools for the governance of financial institutions, riskmanagement, credit rating and innovation funding tools (joint ventures, venturecapital and crowdfunding).
The study of legal subjects provides students with knowledge of theprinciples of prudential government of financial institutions, regulatorycompliance, as well as financial supervision and the operation of central banksin the Eurosystem. Students then learn the law principles governing SMEfunding, documentary credit law and international taxation.
The study of business topics provides competences in the analysis ofbusiness performance and strategic management in the financial sector.
Structure of the degree programme
The first semester is devoted to the study of the foundations of thedisciplines, based on a set of courses attended by all the students enrolled inthe degree programme. The second and third semesters focus on the acquisitionof advanced and specialist knowledge that is essential for the professionalprofiles of this degree programme. Students can decide which particularspecialist area to focus on by choosing from different teaching and trainingactivities conducted in distinct groups: one which provides in-depth knowledgeof economics, one which focuses in detail on legal aspects (in both the firstand second years). In the second year of the Italian language curriculum,students can decide to acquire further knowledge of the management andgovernance of (public and private) businesses or specialise in the economicanalysis of environmental management and sustainability of business activities.In the English language international curriculum, students can decide whetherto study more specifically economic subjects (regulation of financial markets,innovation funding) or legal subject (international taxation, documentarycredit law).
Furthermore, in both curricula, students can decide to complete theirstudies by attending seminars, performing an internship or other complementarylearning activities. The fourth and final semester is primarily devoted toresearch activities and working on and writing the final dissertation.