Curriculum LEIF - Law and Economics of International Finance


Professional profiles

professional profile


Function in aprofessional context:
In relation to the above-definedprofessional role, 2nd cycle graduates in Economics and Law may manage thefollowing functions:
- economic research activities;
- analysis of economic data andinformation (including economic policies, economic data, forecasts, etc.);
- consulting in the economicfield to support decision-making processes;
- definition of institutionalpolicies on the basis of the related economic variables;
- advanced economic research.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies associatedto the function described above are:
- economic analysis skills in keybusiness and market regulation sectors;
- ability to collect andinterpret economic data and use it for decision making;
- ability to understand and solveproblems related to innovative areas of economics;
- ability to integrate theirknowledge of economics and law and to perform evaluations on the basis ofincomplete information, also considering the legal and social responsibilityderiving from the application of such evaluations.

Career opportunities foreconomists include:
- public and private economic andfinancial institutions and businesses;
- national and internationalpublic organisations;
- consulting, services andresearch firms;
- studies offices in localbodies, national and international research institutes, public administrations,trade unions and professional firms;
- national and Europeanregulatory authorities and representation bodies of internationalorganisations.


Function in aprofessional context:
In relation to the above-definedprofessional role, 2nd cycle graduates in Economics and Law may manage thefollowing functions:
- define company policies in linewith the local economic variables;
- run economic and financialprojects for companies;
- provide economic consulting toimprove business performance;
- advanced administrative tasksin the economic field;
- define normative and regulatoryarrangements for businesses and institutions;
- define strategies relating tofiscal matters, national insurance, business organisation and financialmanagement.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies associatedto the function described above are:
- economic analysis skills in keybusiness and market regulation sectors;
- analytical skills in the fieldof business accounting, with particular reference to the analysis of financialstatements, costs, planning and management control;
- ability to collect andinterpret economic data and use them to make decisions;
- ability to integrate theirknowledge of economics and law and to perform evaluations on the basis ofincomplete information, also considering the legal and social responsibilityderiving from the application of such evaluations.

Career opportunities for businesseconomists lie mostly in public and private economic and financial businessesand institutions.

Specialist inthe management and control of public administrations, businesses and publiccompanies and economic and legal expert in regulatory authorities andinternational organisations.

Function in aprofessional context:
In relation to the above-definedprofessional role, 2nd cycle graduates in Economics and Law may manage thefollowing functions:
- administrative tasks ineconomic and legal fields;
- definition of relations withpublic administrations and regulatory authorities;
- management of economicresources;
- management or drafting ofadministrative documents;
- definition of interventionpolicies and guidelines;
- project management.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies associatedto the function described above are:
- ability to understand and solveproblems related to innovative areas of economics and law;
- ability to identify, understandand interpret regulations and laws in the main legal areas affecting economicactivities, including contracts, company law, intellectual property,competition and regulation;
- ability to integrate theirknowledge of economics and law and to perform evaluations on the basis ofincomplete information, also considering the legal and social responsibilityderiving from the application of such evaluations.

Career opportunities forspecialists in management and control in public administrations, companies andpublic companies and economic and legal expert working in regulatoryauthorities and international organisations include those in:
- public economic and financialinstitutions;
- national and internationalpublic organisations;
- national and Europeanregulatory authorities and the representation bodies of internationalorganisations.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.