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Presentation of the calls for International Mobility at DIFA

Presentation of the new Erasmus call, Erasmus traineeship, Overseas, the DIFA call for thesis abroad, etc.

15 gennaio 2025 dalle 11:00 alle 13:00

Aula Magna, via Irnerio 46 - Evento in presenza e online

On Wednesday, 15th, 11 am we will present the calls for International Mobility at DIFA (including the new Erasmus call, Erasmus traineeship, Overseas, the DIFA call for the thesis abroad, and others). 

We will meet in person in the Aula Magna di Fisica, in via Irnerio 46 at 11 am, and on teams (see link below,  note that you need to use your unibo credentials or you won’t be admitted to the call).

The program of the meeting is the following:

-  The new Erasmus+ call  Prof. Annalisa Bonafede (DIFA delegate for international affairs)

-  Opportunities to study and do your master thesis/reasearch abroad  Prof. Daniela Cavalcoli (UniBo delegate for international mobility)

-  TASSEP Prof. Mariafrancesca Fochi

- Q&A 

Although the meeting is held in hybrid format, in person attendance is encouraged.