Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Pharmacy

Internship for final dissertation

The internship for the preparation for the final dissertation is an activity present in the course structure diagram of the study course. It involves the realization of practical experience, based on the project approved by the supervisor, and is aimed on the preparation of the degree thesis.

What is it?

The final exam internship is a training activity aimed at completing a research project, approved by the supervisor of the degree thesis and the tutor of the host institution, which requires the constant presence of the student at a university or in an institution external to the university.


Types of internships included in your Degree Programme

Starting from the fourth year, the student can choose ”INTERNSHIP FINAL DISSERTATION” (12 CFU) – if the training activities are carried out within institutions internal or external to the university, or ”INTERNSHIP FINAL DISSERATATION ABROAD” (12 CFU) – if the training activities are carried out abroad and are not included in the calls for international mobility. Both the activities are aimed on the preparation of the degree thesis.
The students have to submit the internship request via SOL- internships section.

Please note: In order to receive a scholarship and prepare the thesis abroad, the instructions described above should not be followed. Please refer to the information available at:

Internships abroad — University of Bologna ( 
while submitting the candidature according to the procedures described in the call for applications.

When to apply

  1. Once you have read the article 11 of Degree Programme regulations AY 2023/2024 available at Programme — Pharmacy - Laurea Magistrale CU - Rimini (
  2. Once you have defined the topic of the thesis and the professor, who will be your university internship tutor = thesis supervisor, with whom you have chosen the institution, whether internal or external to the University of Bologna, in Italy or abroad, where you will carry out your internship.
  3. Once you have included the training activity in your study plan, presented on SOL within the windows indicted for study plan completion.

Opportunities to carry out the Internship

The internship cannot be carried out in host organizations whose legal representative, director or business associate has family ties with the student applicant.

You are searching for an internship opportunity

Companies and Institutions that concluded an agreement with the University publish their offers on SOL-Internships. You have the possibility to:

- apply to an existing offer;


- consult the database of partnered Companies/Institutions in order to send a self-application.

If you need any help to prepare an effective CV, you can contact the Servizio Orientamento Campus di Rimini
Consigli sul CV — Orientamento al Lavoro - Campus di Rimini (

In both cases:

  1. you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept the internship proposal and complete your application;
  2. after the approval of the Internship Board, you will receive another e-mail explaining how to activate your internship;
  3. lastly, download from SOL-Internships the attendance record book, where you will find the authorised period of the internship, which may differ from the original internship offer.

You got in touch with a Company/Institution which is disposed to welcome you as an intern

Please follow the passages below to activate an internship:

  1. verify that the Company/Institution has an agreement with the University of Bologna if not please contact the Intership Office;
  2. ask the Tutor of the Host Organization, who will tutor you during the whole duration of the internship, to insert an offer targeted to you in the Internships and Agreements Service;
  3. you will receive an e-mail with the instructions on how to accept and complete the internship proposal;
  4. after the approval from the Internship Board you will receive another e-mail how to activate your internship;
  5. download from SOL-Internships the attendance record book, where you will find the authorized period of the internship, which may differ from the original internship offer.

You want to carry out your internship at the University of Bologna

In accordance with your Academic Tutor, you must contact the Tutor of the chosen University structure/lab, then send a self-application through SOL-Internships:

  1. please be sure to have completed
    the compulsory modules on Health and Safety (module 1 and 2);
  2. click on the button “"Submit an internship request at UNIBO" available on your home page;
  3. fill in the request fields;
  4. wait for the confirmation e-mail on the validation of your request;
  5. after the approval from the Internship Board you will receive another e-mail on how to activate your position;
  6. download from SOL-Internships the attendance record book, where you will find the authorized period of the internship, which may differ from the original internship offer.

You want to do internship abroad

You can carry out your internship abroad following one of the two paths listed below:


What to do during the internship

You must fill in your attendance record book with the hours of attendance, according to the authorized period. You must communicate any variations (ex. suspension, cancellation, etc.) from the approved programme by sending an e-mail to the Internship Office with the Academic Tutor and Tutor at the Host Institution in copy c/c.

Should you need to travel to locations not included in the approved programme, you can ask for the extension of the insurance by contacting the Academic Tutor by mail (with the Internship Office and Tutor at the Host Organization in copy c/c) and wait for the authorization.

During the whole internship period, you are insured against on-work injuries and third-party liability. For further information please consult the Insurance

What to do at the end of the internship

After completing the internship working hours, please upload in SOL-Internships:

- the attendance record book, duly signed and filled with necessary data;

- the internship final report 

Fill out the mandatory questionnaire.

Afterwards, you must wait for the Internship Board to register the internship activity in Almaesami. This procedure does not require the presence of the student, it is conducted as any other teaching activity and must be completed by the deadline for the graduation application.