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Methods and research tools for the dissertation

The exam of Methods and Research Tools for the thesis can be taken as a part of the learning activities of the 4th year, starting with the summer exam session. Usually, the exam is taken near or at the end of the thesis work. Students of Pharmacy code 9078, who have gained at least 120 CFU, can prepare to acquire the corresponding 12 credits after the end of lessons of the second semester, only after having acquired at least 120 CFU. The exam includes an interview with the Commission of Methods and Research Tools for the thesis. In order to participate in, students have to submit the request form in duplicate, to Segreteria didattica or directly to the President of the Commission via email, at least 7 days before the date of Commission meeting.


Experimental thesis:

The tutor / supervisor will provide the material or give indications on the topic on which the graduate student will develop their degree thesis.

Once the material has been organized / processed and the research report drawn up using the appropriate form in duplicate, the tutor will sign the report. The student is obliged to submit it to segreteria didattica at least 7 days before the interview with the Commission, to obtain the 12 credits. In the case of an experimental thesis carried out within companies/institutions external to Unibo (eg company, local health authority, etc.), the student must prepare the report approved by the tutor and the external referent.

The maximum duration of the internship for the thesis is 480 hours.


Professional practice thesis:

The tutor will provide information on the research material, the facility where to carry out the data collection and the referent person to contact. The student will prepare the report using the appropriate form in duplicate. In order to obtain the 12 CFU the student must submit the report signed by the tutor, to the segreteria didattica at least 7 days before the interview with the Commission.


Compilation thesis:

The tutor will provide information on the subject and on the research material that the graduate student will need to further study in order to develop their degree thesis. Once the material has been organized and the report relating to the thesis plan has been prepared using the specific form in duplicate, the tutor will sign the report. In order to obtain the 12 CFU the student must submit the report signed by the tutor, to segreteria didattica 7 days before the interview with the Commission.