Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Programme aims

The aim of the study programme is to train competent, aware Veterinarians who are prepared to enter the various professional fields accessible with the degree, as well as to pursue specialized postgraduate training, both nationally and internationally.

The specific learning objectives of the course are aligned with the guidelines provided by the current "Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT)", issued by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) in 2023. The educational path also includes additional key elements that distinguish it as an innovation in the national context, such as significant integration across disciplines throughout the curriculum, a strong focus on the concepts of One Health and Circular Health, and the inclusion of cross-disciplinary skills and soft skills to complete the future Veterinarian’s training.

The use of the English language, in addition to being essential for consulting scientific literature and retrieving information online, encourages mobility experiences during the pre-degree period, such as Erasmus, internships, and theses abroad. It can also facilitate access to postgraduate specialization programs, doctoral studies, and other educational and professional opportunities at both national and international levels.

In accordance with current Italian regulations, the program spans over 5 years, totaling 300 ECTS credits. The first two years focus on the description of healthy animals through integrated courses covering different body systems and veterinary basic sciences, while also developing transversal skills essential for professional growth. The third year is dedicated to production animals with a "farm-to-fork" approach, integrating livestock management, welfare, nutrition, reproduction, pathology, and public health. The fourth year focuses on companion animal clinical practice, covering diagnosis, treatment, and emergency medicine. Additionally, a course on veterinary research methodology prepares students for the final year.

In the fifth year, students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of elective courses. A number of multidisciplinary packages focused on different areas of veterinary medicine will be offered, aiming to cater to the diverse interests of students. Additionally, students will undertake both an Elective Practical Training (EPT, in line with the 2023 ESVET SOPs) and the thesis project. These latter two can be independent or closely connected and sequential, and may be carried out within the Department or externally at public or private institutions, both domestic and international, allowing students a degree of personalization in the concluding and professionalizing part of their training. In parallel, a core practical training is mandatory for all students, which includes rotations and activities both within the Department and external institutions.

The development of Day One Competences is supported by teaching methods that encourage active student participation, such as laboratories, simulations on models and mannequins, clinical case discussions, problem-solving activities, and the use of advanced simulation software. The Department's facilities (University Veterinary Hospital, Experimental Teaching Barn, National Institute of Artificial Insemination, Wildlife Veterinary Center, Clinical Skills Lab, stables, teaching slaughterhouse, anatomy and necropsy rooms, computer labs, and various laboratories) and numerous external partnerships (small animal clinics, farms, slaughterhouses, processing plants, Local Health Units and Veterinary Public Health Institutes) allow students to be immersed in a high-level educational context throughout their training.