Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Quality Assurance Committee and other Committees

To perform some of its functions, the Course Council relies on committees made up of members of the academic staff. Here is a list of the committees with their respective functions and contacts.

Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee of the study program is responsible for supporting the Coordinator in activities related to quality assurance and the dissemination of the culture of quality.

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Faculty-student Joint Committee of DIMEVET

The Faculty-student Joint Committee of DIMEVET is responsible for monitoring the educational offerings, the quality of teaching, and student support services with specific evaluation criteria. It provides opinions on the establishment, activation, modification, and removal of educational offerings. It can also submit proposals to the Department Council on matters related to teaching and the allocation of financial resources.

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Core Clinical Training (CCT) Committee

In accordance with the University's general internship regulations, the CCT Committee for this study program is a monocratic body and is constituted by the CCT Coordinator for the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences.

EAEVE Committee

The EAEVE Committee is responsible for monitoring EAEVE indicators and the various areas outlined in the current Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to maintain accreditation. It proposes actions aimed at achieving and maintaining EAEVE standards.

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