Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Degree Programme Tutor

The Degree Programme Tutor is a useful reference point to help students in their relations with lecturers and, more in general, in the organisation of their study activities.

Academic tutor

The academic tutor supports the student during his/her studies and specifically:

  • Is able to give information regarding the teaching activities
  • Supports students directly, in relation to specific issues or difficulties related to the course of the studies
  • Supports the administrative work related to transfer of courses.

Currently the academic tutor for courses of the DIMEVET is Dr. Fabiana Trombetti.


Student tutor

In addition to the academic tutor , the Deparment nominates a student that can act as tutor.

The student tutor is a contact person between students and teachers and supports with the organization of learning activities

While waiting for a new assignment you can contact the academic tutor.