Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Health Surveillance and Mandatory Medical Examination

Mandatory medical examination as a prerequisite for practical activities

In accordance with the consolidated text on the protection of health and safety in the workplace, Legislative Decree 81/2008, students enrolled in the first year of the Veterinary Medicine degree program must undergo a medical examination by the Occupational Medicine Service in Bologna (S. Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic).

The Occupational Medicine Service conducts the necessary health assessments and issues a judgment of suitability for practical activities (exercises, laboratories, and internships) that involve exposure to specific risks.

The Teaching Services send a summons for the examination to students who have not yet undergone the health assessment, as indicated by Occupational Health. Each student must appear on the date and time specified in the email summons.

Please note that no practical activity can be carried out without the judgment of suitability issued after the examination.

Students in subsequent years who have not received a summons are required to contact the occupational health service (, copying the secretary (, and the educational services ( for verification."