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5984 - Veterinary Medicine
The specific learning outcomes of the Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicineare achieved by means of highly integrated theoretical-practical teaching ateach stage of the programme, in a manner that is certified and accredited bythe European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) andby the ISO EN 9001 standard of the relevant Department.
Graduates in Veterinary Medicine are therefore equipped with the scientific grounding and theoretical-practical preparation that enables them to exercisethe veterinary medicine profession independently, from day one: in livestockand pet practice, including non-conventional species; in the epidemiological surveillance of the territory, in the control of foodstuffs of animal origin in order to guarantee their wholesomeness for human safety, in animal welfare and in the prevention of diseases especially of a zoonotic nature from a One Health perspective, in the productive, reproductive and nutritional management of farmed species (also with regard to fish species), in the control and certificationof agri-food chains, also in order to limit the environmental impact of livestock farms.
This programme, common to all students, is supplemented by a learning package selectedby the student out of a series of elective course units, each of them specificto a professional field.
The newly graduated veterinarian also possesses the methodological and culturalfoundations necessary to understand the importance of lifelong learning, themethodological foundations of scientific research, and ethical skills.
The newly graduated veterinarian also has a knowledge of English to level B2.
In order to achieve these learning outcomes, the programme makes use ofclassrooms for lectures, equipped with high-level computer aids, laboratoriesequipped for preclinical practical teaching equipment, classrooms formicroscopy, anatomy and necroscopy, computer rooms and classrooms for groupteaching and the Clinical Skills Lab. The students also carry out guidedlearning activities at the University Veterinary Hospital (OVU), theexperimental dairy cattle facility, the National Institute of ArtificialInsemination (INFA) and the EC-certified slaughterhouse on the Department.Pre-graduate training is also supplemented by attendance of the teaching,scientific and diagnostic facilities and laboratories active in the Departmentof Veterinary Medical Sciences. The student also acquires additionalzootechnical knowledge through periodic and scheduled visits to commercialfarms.
Obligatory class attendance, according to criteria to be specified by thedegree programme, is regulated in accordance with the requirements of the localacademic bodies.
The programme lasts five years: the fundamental basic sciences are concentratedwithin the first two years in preparation for the skills to be acquired in thefollowing three years, in which the core activities are concentrated(zootechnics, animal welfare, breeding and nutrition, infectious and infectiousdiseases, veterinary anatomo-pathology and inspection, clinical veterinary andlegal).
In the fourth year, students acquire some credits in elective course units. Therange of elective course units allows the new graduate to gain specificprofessional skills according to EU and local needs.
The practical internship was organised pursuant to Law No. 163 of 8 November2021 and Interministerial Decree No. 652 of 7 July 2022.
The practical internship activities are spread over several years: starting fromthe first year, where there is an introductory internship to the profession;during the 4th and 5th years the student attends most of the internships,focusing on clinical (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics-gynaecology),livestock production and veterinary public health and food safety. Theseactivities are carried out mainly in the Department's internal facilities suchas the University Veterinary Hospital, stables and laboratories, as well as inPublic Health facilities that have an agreement with the Department and incollaboration with freelance professionals working in the area. The practicalassessment test that precedes the discussion of the final dissertationcompletes the degree for qualification purposes.
The entire programme, including the internships, requires compliance withcertain prerequisites, which are decided by the Degree Programme Board. For allsubjects, in particular the core and supplementary course units, the practicalcontent of the teaching load accounts for a significant proportion.