Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Communication Sciences


The programme offers comprehensive theoretical and practical training in the field of information and communication, enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of marketing (traditional and digital), multimedia communication, and publishing. In addition, vocational workshops and international mobility programmes are offered.

What will you study?

Courses include psychology, marketing, semiotics, linguistics, computer science and publishing. Structured in an interdisciplinary manner, it enables the acquisition of cross-disciplinary knowledge and can be customised according to your personal aptitudes. The study of two foreign languages (English is compulsory) determines the international nature of the educational offering.

Experiences abroad

The programme offers numerous opportunities to study abroad, allowing you to participate in international mobility programmes with different structures and purposes. An inter-university programme, Erasmus and Overseas schemes, and internships abroad are just some of the opportunities offered to foster cultural enrichment with a view to exchange and inclusion.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

Communicating effectively is crucial for everyone: companies, institutions, associations, individuals. Today, this is increasingly evident and essential.

In Bologna, you will acquire a sound theoretical grounding, studying the basic authors, concepts and methodologies of contemporary communication.

You will learn how traditional and new media work, which should not be regarded as separate but as converging worlds.

You will understand how to use digital media to launch a brand, a company, a product and to communicate strategically.

Attending courses on digital marketing and web communication at the University of San Marino in your third year makes you eligible for a double degree.

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