Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
Admission to the second cycle degree/two year master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation is subject to the possession of a 1st cycle degree or… Read more

Application has to be submitted following the link:

To be admitted to the Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation, the following curricular specificity are required:

  1. BS Degree in the classes:

ex D.M. 270: L-27 (Chemical sciences and technologies), L-32 (Sciences and technologies for the environment and nature), L-29 (Pharmaceutical sciences and technologies), L-7 (Civil and environmental engineering), L- 9 (Industrial Engineering), L-13 (Biological Sciences)

ex D.M. 509/99 :, 8 (Civil and environmental engineering), 9 (Industrial engineering), 21 (Chemical sciences and technologies), 24 (Pharmaceutical sciences and technologies), 27 (Environment and nature sciences and technologies), 12 (Biological science)

Degree in Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Biology of the Previous Five-Year degrees.

Any other Degree obtained abroad, in the fields of Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Sciences and recognized valid by the Council of the Master's Degree.

It is also necessary:

  1. To have acquired at least 60 credits in basic scientific disciplines, of which at least 25 credits in the following scientific sectors: CHIM / 01-CHIM / 12; BIO / BIO-10/11; ING-IND / 22 ING-IND / 27.

The evaluation of candidates is made by a Selection Committee composed of representatives from each of the partner universities in the ChIR.

Detailed description of the selection criteria and on the ranking may be found here:

All eligible candidates will be ranked according to the established criteria by order of merit.
The higher ranked candidates who applied within the Erasmus Mundus deadlines ( February 16th 2024) are considered for Erasmus Mundus studentships according to the rules defined by the European Commission such as of geographical balance.

List of deadlines

Applications for ChIR Master degree admission and Erasmus Mundus Studentships (first intake) from 2023-10-02 00:00 to 2024-02-17 23:30
Applications for ChIR Master degree admission (second intake for self-paying students) from 2024-04-15 00:00 to 2024-06-15 15:00