Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Tourism Economics and Management

Past theses

The theses discussed by TEaM students, listed by supervisor

Alessandro Amoroso - E-commerce in Tourism

1. Elena Borgomeo - An analysis of Italian online travel agencies: the case study of Yalla Yalla SPA


Francesco Barbini - Organization of Tourism Enterprises

1. Lilia Saragova - The relevance of the project funded by the EU for the development of the Rimini province from 2007 to 2013 under the territorial cooperation programmes


Patrizia Battilani - Innovation in Cultural Tourism

1. Luca Chiurato - Valrnarecchia as a tourism destination: the residents perception for the construction of a unified image


Antonio Della Bina - Corporate Finance for Travel and Tourism Industries

1. Anna Tassinari - A consolidated financial analysis of the airline industry: what happened during the turbulent period 2000-2013


Paolo Figini - Tourism Macroeconomics

1. Veronica Leoni - Disneyland Paris and the French capital: a tale of two destinations


Maria Letizia Guerra - Mathematics for Social Sciences

1. Olesya Breus - Perspective direction of tourism in Russia based on inbound flows

2. Francesco Caiazzo - Space tourism and hypersonic transportation: the Italian HYPLANE project

3. Beata Cudnik - Guest experience management in hotel industry in Poland: the manager's perspective

4. Ersin Yildirim - Marketing Strategies of North American Hotel Chains in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of Hilton Worldwide


Marcello Mariani - Destination Marketing and Management

1. Manuela Fantoni - Wine tourism and wine experience: the case of Valpolicella

2. Marco Merlo - Web reputation in the accommodation industry: the case of Rimini


Alessia Mariotti

1. Cinzia Deias - Wine Tourism and Place- making. The case of wine events in Romagna.

2. Annalisa Spalazzi - Analysis of the responsible tourism festival IT.A.CA' as territorial networking generator: from Emilia Romagna experience towards Europe


Manuela Presutti - Tourism Management

1. Mariana Campagnolo - A business Plan on a Start-up: a Spa & Wellness Center

2. Davide Cannata - Glocal tourist experiences: adapting local excellences in the global upscale and luxury hospitality sector.


Giorgio Ribaudo - Web and Revenue Management

1. Danilo De Vita - Marina's pricing model: a revenue management approach


Laura Vici - Economics of Tourism Destinations

1. Francesca Moretti - The km 0 and fair-trade wedding: a possible scenario for Rimini as a wedding-tourism based destination

2. Giacomo Pirazzini - Blue Ocean Strategy. Tools for organizations to create value and to be profitable

3. Nicola Sias - Tourism and sport: analysis of tourists' behaviour and persepctive in the European football stadium destination

4. Enea Zhuri - Tourism and economics in the developing countries: the case of Albania


Lorenzo Zirulia - Tourism Microeconomics

1. Polina Strogoteanu - Revenue management in the hospitality industry: a case study of a Rimini hotel

2. Serenella Tassi - Revenue management and intertemporal price discrimination in the hotel sector: evidence from three Italian destinations