The intended graduate profile is that ofan expert in Asian and Mediterranean African markets and cultures with languageskills. Graduates of the First Cycle Degree/Bachelor Programme in Languages,Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa therefore have goodlanguage skills and competences of the sociocultural contexts of societies inAsia and Mediterranean Africa. The geographical areas studied depend on theAsian or Mediterranean African languages chosen. For Mediterranean Africa, thereference linguistic context is Arabic while for Asia it is Chinese, Japaneseand Persian. Graduates will therefore specialise in one or two languages fromAsia and/or Mediterranean Africa, and will combine this preparation with a goodproficiency in a European language chosen from those offered by the degreeprogramme.
The programme modules are spread over threeyears and cover three macro areas of learning: linguistic-cultural(fundamentals of linguistics, languages, culture and literature of an Asian orMediterranean African country, and a European language), geopolitics andeconomics (fundamentals of business economics and management, geography andgeopolitics), and the sociology and legal disciplines (study of the social,judicial and political processes of Asian and Mediterranean African countries).The competences and skills thus acquired enable students to effectively conductcomparative analyses of the main phenomena related to social systems and thedynamics of intercultural communication in a global context. Theoretical andanalytical knowledge of the processes in place in business, the market and the economic system ininternational and particularly non-European contexts further enhances theprofessional profile of graduates of this programme, who will be able to applythis multidisciplinary knowledge in contexts related to sustainable developmentand globalisation. The unique multi- and interdisciplinary training providedenables graduates to interact in the countries of interest, for example inpublic and private organisations, companies and any other context wherecommunicative competence and linguistic-cultural mediation skills are required.The programme is, moreover, aimed at preparing graduates to work in the fieldsof international relations (relations with foreign countries, collaborationwith the branches of Italian companies located abroad and/or the branches offoreign companies located in Italy), collaboration with international organisations and bodies,management of national and/or international (European and non-European)projects and structures in which language skills and cultural knowledge aresupplemented by an adequate geopolitical, economic and sociologicalunderstanding, communicative and linguistic guidance in economic, sociologicaland cultural contexts, and in publishing and media. In some areas of work inthe above-mentioned sectors which require greater autonomy and responsibility,there may be a requirement for skills that can be acquired through morein-depth study in specific areas offered by the degree programme, in particularthrough undertaking activities aimed at preparing students for the job market (internships or seminars).
Additionally, knowledge and competence in thefollowing areas are required:
- the ability to understand and analyse textsin Italian,
- a good general education.
The methods for verifying the knowledgerequired for admission are defined in the degree programme teaching regulations.
If the assessment is not positive, additionallearning requirements (OFA) will be specified. Completion of the learningrequirements is the subject of a separate test.
Students who do not complete the additionallearning requirements by the date established by the competent bodies and, inany case, by the end of the first year of the degree programme, must repeatenrolment in the same year.