Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Languages, Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa

Languages, Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa

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Programme aims

The intended graduate profile is that ofan expert in Asian and Mediterranean African markets and cultures with languageskills. Graduates of the First Cycle Degree/Bachelor Programme in Languages,Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa therefore have goodlanguage skills and competences of the sociocultural contexts of societies inAsia and Mediterranean Africa. The geographical areas studied depend on theAsian or Mediterranean African languages chosen. For Mediterranean Africa, thereference linguistic context is Arabic while for Asia it is Chinese, Japaneseand Persian. Graduates… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the Programme in Languages,Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa requires possession of asecondary school diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable in accordance with current regulations. Additionally, knowledge and competence in thefollowing areas are required: - the ability to understand and analyse textsin Italian, - a good general education. The methods for verifying the knowledgerequired for admission are defined in the degree programme teaching regulations. If the assessment is not positive, additionallearning requirements (OFA)… Read more