Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Computer Science

Computer Science

Alma Orienta Online

2 and 3 March 2021

Register to take part in the Orientation Days! You will see the presentations, hear from enrolled students, discover the facilities and services offered by the University, and maybe even attend a lecture.

On 1 March you will have pre-access to visit the stands, see the full schedule of events, and plan your visit based on your specific interests. 

We will be there. We look forward to seeing you!

Programme aims

A degree programme in Computer Science produces graduates who can serve as software development technicians and computer infrastructure technicians. Graduates in Computer Science have a sound grounding in the subject, ready for further refinement in a second-cycle degree programme and/or a first-level University Masters. A Computer Science graduate needs to have a flexible open-minded approach geared to problem-solving, and swift assimilation of innovative methods and techniques. The kind of job he/she will do is also likely to require familiarity with the scientific method.To equip graduates… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the first cycle degree programme in Computer Science requires possession of a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable in accordance with current regulations. Additionally, skills and competencies in the following areas are required: good general knowledge; good ability to understand written texts; an above average capacity for logical reasoning; good knowledge of basic mathematics.The methods for verifying the knowledge required for admission are defined in the degree programme teaching regulations. If the… Read more