Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Techniques for construction and land Qualifying vocational degree programme

Techniques for construction and land

Programme aims

The DegreeProgramme in Techniques and Management for Construction and Land sets out totrain experts in surveying, land registry, construction paperwork, energycertification, with specific competencies in site activities (works management,safety, site organisation) and basic competencies both in construction andrenovation techniques and in the legislative aspects applied to those workingin this context. The graduate alsopossesses theoretical and practical skills necessary to collaborate with otherprofessional profiles (Building, Civil and Environmental Engineers andArchitects). In… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to theDegree Programme in Techniques and Management forConstruction and Land requires possession of a secondary school diploma awardedafter five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable. Additionally, skills and competencies in thefollowing areas are required: - good knowledge of spoken and written Italian - the ability for logical reasoning - the ability to apply the principal results of basic mathematics and thefundamentals of experimental sciences. The methods for verifying the knowledge required for admission are defined inthe degree… Read more