Qualifying vocational degree programme
The DegreeProgramme in Techniques and Management for Construction and Land sets out totrain experts in surveying, land registry, construction paperwork, energycertification, with specific competencies in site activities (works management,safety, site organisation) and basic competencies both in construction andrenovation techniques and in the legislative aspects applied to those workingin this context.
The graduate alsopossesses theoretical and practical skills necessary to collaborate with otherprofessional profiles (Building, Civil and Environmental Engineers andArchitects).
In order toachieve these results, the programmes an articulated and structured path overthree years.
The first yearcourse units are mainly lecture-based, with some laboratory work to developsoft skills and to support some core course units.
New topics areintroduced in the second year, in lectures for core course units, investigatingsome of the subjects introduced during the first year as well as a broad rangeof laboratory work during the second semester.
The third year,on the other hand, consists substantially of a practical-assessment internshipduring which students will have the possibility to apply the competenciesacquired during their studies to real contexts.
Theinternship is subject to a Practical Training Evaluation, which precedes thefinal examination and consists of an examination of the command of theprofession and the resolution of one or more practical problems consistent withthose analysed during the Internship.
The degreeprogramme learning outcomes substantially aim to develop profiles able to workin the various fields described below:
- on building andcivil construction sites as construction manager, safety manager;
- in theconstruction or building sector in construction site organisation, drafting thenecessary paperwork, estimated valuations of real estate, energy efficiencyestimations and documentation for the energy certification of buildings;
- in the field oftopography, as a freelance professional, for the management of land andbuilding works;
- in buildingadministration, understanding the regulatory and legislative aspects of thiscontext.
All this isensured by a significant amount of laboratory work aiming to complete andsupport the contents of traditional course units, including energycertification, plant, site safety and renovations, acquiring competencies inthe current IT tools used widely in building and urban design, includingmunicipal information systems and BIM (Building Information Modelling). Designlaboratories are an indispensable part of the degree programme not only toverify the knowledge acquired, but also to promote, as in most Europeancountries, an integrated education, open to dialogue with specialists in thevarious sectors involved in the construction and re-qualification of buildings,energy systems and complex real estate. The training is completed andintegrated by a significant internship and appropriateknowledge of a foreign language.
The finalexamination for the career-oriented degree programme in Techniques andManagement for Construction and Land - class L-P01 qualifies the graduate towork as a surveyor orgraduate industrial expert, in the construction, environment and territorysector.
Admission to theDegree Programme in Techniques and Management forConstruction and Land requires possession of a secondary school diploma awardedafter five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable.
Additionally, skills and competencies in thefollowing areas are required:
- good knowledge of spoken and written Italian
- the ability for logical reasoning
- the ability to apply the principal results of basic mathematics and thefundamentals of experimental sciences.
The methods for verifying the knowledge required for admission are defined inthe degree programme teaching regulations.
If the assessmentis not positive, additional learning requirements will be specified.
Completion of thelearning requirements is the subject of a separate test.
The relevanttesting method is also set out in the degree programme teaching regulations.
Students who do not complete the additional learning requirements by the dateestablished by the competent bodies and, in any case, by the end of the firstyear of the degree programme, will be unable to sit exams in the followingyears.