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Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar for the a.y. 2023/24

Academic Calendar for the a.y. 2024/25


 1st subcycle

 16 Sept to 26 Oct ‘24

 Lessons - including extra lessons


 4 to 9 Nov ‘24


 2nd subcycle

 11 Nov to 17 Dec ‘24

 Lessons - including extra lessons


 18 to 21 Dec ‘24

 mid-term exams and full exams


 23 Dec ‘24 to 6 Jan ‘25 

 Christmas break


 7 Jan to 8 Feb ‘25

 mid-term exams and full exams


 3rd subcycle

 10 Feb to 21 Mar ‘25

 Lessons – including extra lessons


 28 Mar to 5 Apr ‘25


 17 Apr to 22 Apr ‘25

 Easter break

 4th subcycle

 7 Apr to 24 May ‘25

 Lessons – including extra lessons


 26 May to 25 July ‘25

 mid-term exams and full exams


 25 Aug to 13 Sept ‘25

 full exams

Public Holidays:

4th October 2024 - Patron’s day (St. Petronious)

1st November 2024 – All Saints Day

From 23rd December 2024  to 6th January 2025 – Christmas Break

From 17th to 22nd April 2025 – Easter Break

25th April 2025 – Liberation Day

26th April 2025 – Long Weekend

1st May 2025 – International Workers’ Day

2nd May 2025 - Long Weekend

2nd June 2025 – Republic’s Day

Academic Calendar for the a.y. 2023/24


 1st subcycle

 18 Sept to 28 Oct ‘23

 Lessons - including extra lessons


 30 Oct to 4 Nov ‘23


 2nd subcycle

 6 Nov to 14 Dec ‘23

 Lessons - including extra lessons


 15 to 21 Dec ‘23

 mid-term exams and full exams


 22 Dec ‘23 to 7 Jan ‘24 

 Christmas break


 8 Jan to 10 Feb ‘24

 mid-term exams and full exams


 3rd subcycle

 12 Feb to 23 Mar ‘24

 Lessons – incuding extra lessons


 3 Apr to 13 Apr ‘24


 28 Mar to 2 Apr ‘24

 Easter break

 4th subcycle

 15 Apr to 25 May ‘24

(26-27 Apr long weekend)

 Lessons – including extra lessons


 27 May to 26 July ‘24

 mid-term exams and full exams


 26 Aug to 14 Sept ‘24

 full exams

Public Holidays:

4th October 2023 Patron’s day (St. Petronious)

1st November 2023 – All Saints Day

8th December 2023 – The Immaculate Conception Day

From 8th to 9th 2023 - Long Weekend

From 23rd December 2023 to 7th January 2024 – Christmas Break

From 28th March to 2nd April 2024 – Easter Break

25th April 2024 – Liberation Day

From 26th to 27th April 2024 – Long Weekend

1st May 2024 – International Workers’ Day

2nd June 2024 – Republic’s Day

24th November and 12th April lessons suspended