
Professional profiles

professional profile

Management specialist in the Public Administration and private businesses

Function in a professional context:
- performance of advanced administrative tasks in the economic and political fields;
- examination of the economic, regulatory and legislative context the organization works in;
- evaluation of the organization's resources and mission;
- drafting of intervention policies and guidelines;
- drafting of plans to analyze the impact of the strategic choices adopted and description of the implications on the organization following the adoption of alternative strategic choices;
- definition of relations with public administrations and regulatory authorities;
- coordination of activities relating to the design, drafting, funding,implementation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of Programmes of public importance, on various topics including environmental protection;
- development and use of methodologies suitable for implementing and evaluating the impact of public policies;
- understanding of the relations between the various levels of public decision-making (local, national, supranational) and between different stakeholder categories (political parties, stakeholder organizations,administrations);
- facilitation of international debate and interaction, between different countries and between national governments and multinational companies;
- provision of suggestions and technical support during the negotiation of international agreements/protocols/memoranda of understanding (e.g. WTO orclimate protocols).

Competencies associated to the function:
The main competencies associated to the function are:
- the ability to understand and solve problems affecting innovative topics in economic, legal, managerial, statistical and quantitative fields;
- interdisciplinary knowledge of the management of both human and economic and financial resources;
- knowledge of the national, international and European institutional and political system, its historical, social, economic and legal origins, operating methods and position in relation to other types of system;
- the ability to analyze and interpret the political and organizational context in which decisions are taken;
- the ability to evaluate legal implications, liaising with law experts;
- critical skills and the ability to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of solutions, conclusions or alternative approaches to problems, understanding other people's reactions and why they react in certain ways.

Career opportunities:
Career opportunities include:
- Public economic and financial institutions;
- National and European regulatory authorities;
- International organizations including the European Union, World Bank,International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Labor Organization (ILO);
- EU administrations (Parliament, Political and financial institutions);
- Private businesses;
- National, regional or local public administrations.

Economic and political science specialist

Function in a professional context:
- the study, description and interpretation of the origin, development, operation and logics of the systems of economic, financial and political relations between States and other players in the political world, economic, financial and political decision-making, their interrelationship with public opinion, the activities of governments, international organizations and businesses;
- coordination of the design, drafting, funding, implementation, promotion,monitoring and evaluation of national, international and supranational Programmes of public importance, on issues such as international economic and financial relations between public and private players, industrial strategy and development, direct foreign investment strategies, mergers & acquisitions strategies;
- exploration and analysis of political, social and economic factors inspecific geographical areas or industrial sectors on behalf of private businesses or governments;
- analysis of risks and opportunities for various types of players, considering the risk factors they are exposed to in the evaluation of strategic investments;
- analysis of economic data and information (economic policy measures, economicdata, forecasts, etc.);
- consulting in economic and political fields to support decision-makingprocesses;
- definition of institutional policies based on relevant economic and political variables;
- advanced economic and political research;
- cooperation on projects and activities requiring the analysis of market dynamics;
- financial data analysis;
- operational functions in banking and financial institutions;
- analysis of general macroeconomic developments and the definition of economic policies;
- representation in national and international debates.

Competencies associated to the function:
The main competencies associated to the function are:
- the abilities to identify and study the impact of political risk on industrial strategies;
- the ability to collect, analyze and interpret economic and political data and use them in decision making processes;
- the ability to interact indifferent cultural and professional contexts;
- logical and theoretical analytical skills related to political and socio-economic phenomena;
- the ability to study interdisciplinary topics and dialogue with experts from other disciplines;
- knowledge of the main micro-and macroeconomic theories to analyze national and international economic phenomena and the behavior of the involved stakeholders.

Career opportunities:
- think tanks;
- communication firms and companies;
- national, regional or local public administrations;
- study offices in local bodies, public administrations, businesses, trade unions and professional associations;
- national and European regulatory authorities;
- public bodies and non-profit organizations;
- international organizations (European Central Bank, IMF, OECD, European Commission, World Bank);
- public and private research institutes;
- consulting firms;
- private companies;
- banking and financial institutions;

Continuing to study

It gives access to second cycle studies (laurea specialistica/magistrale) and master universitario di primo livello.