Register to take part in the Orientation Days! You will see the presentations, hear from enrolled students, discover the facilities and services offered by the University, and maybe even attend a lecture.
On 1 March you will have pre-access to visit the stands, see the full schedule of events, and plan your visit based on your specific interests.
We will be there. We look forward to seeing you!
The three-year Degree Programme inElectronics and Telecommunications Engineering provides graduates with acultural and professional profile defined by a solid grounding, as well asin-depth knowledge on various areas, in an overall framework defined by interdisciplinarity,which will allow them to keep up with the constant evolution of the world ofInformation and Communication Technology (ICT).
These characteristics will give graduatesthe opportunity to access immediately the world of work with the ability toproduce and manage systems, processes and services in the specific field ofElectronics Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering, and any othercontext in which such technologies play a key role.
At the same time, students will be able tocontinue studying and enrol in Information Engineering Second Cycle DegreeProgrammes, with the objective of further developing their professional skillsand be able to cover technical, organisational and management positions orhighly qualified technical roles.
For this purpose, students are guided intheir understanding of problems, reference models and methods inherent to thedesign of modern electronic and telecommunication systems, as well as therelated standards and the most advanced technologies available for theirpractical application.
Graduates will have a solid knowledge ofeverything learned in the programme. Their preparation will also be dynamic interms of practical application and ability to keep up with any relevanttechnology developments.
In addition to the indispensable tools ofbasic sciences, the First Cycle Degree Programme provides fundamentalmethodical and operational skills in Electronics and Telecommunications throughspecific course units and experimental laboratory activities. The curriculumalso covers related areas, mainly within ICT, without neglecting other culturalaspects (foreign languages, law, etc.).
The Degree Programme consists of a two-yearcurriculum for all students and a third year offering two curricula, one moreoriented to electronics and the other focusing on telecommunications. In anycase, all students are provided with solid grounding in both Electronics andTelecommunications.
During the first two years, the courseunits cover mainly physics and mathematical learning activities, which togetherconstitute the basic learning area.
The third year generally focuses onspecific electronics or telecommunications course units, depending on thecurriculum chosen by the students. These course units cover the learning areasin Electronics and Telecommunications.
The programme is completed with othercourse units in complementary areas, including automation, electricalengineering, computer science, bioengineering and economics. These course unitscover the complementary learning area of Engineering Culture.
All students are required to developappropriate English language skills.
Particular emphasis is placed on theorganic structure of the fundamental principles, the use of examples in theillustration of methodological approaches, the presentation of environments andtools which together support the design of systems and architectures specificof the field.
Admission to the Degree Programme inElectronics and Telecommunications Engineering requires possession of asecondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreignqualification recognised as suitable.
Additionally, knowledge and competence inthe following areas are required:
■ good knowledge of written and spoken Italian;
■ ability to think logically;
■ knowledge and ability to use the principal results of basicmathematics and the fundamentals of experimental sciences;
■ appropriate English language skills (minimum B1 level) based on thecommon European framework of reference for languages
The methods for verifying the knowledgerequired for admission are defined in the Degree Programme Teaching Regulation.
If the results of the test are notpositive, Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) will be specified.
Completion of the learning requirements isthe subject of a separate test. The testing method is defined in the section onMethod Of Admission.
Students who do not complete the additionallearning requirements by the date established by the competent bodies and, inany case, by the end of the first year of the degree programme, will be unableto sit exams in the following years.