The main objective of this degree programmeis to give graduates scientific knowledge in the various fields of humanwellness, with particular reference to the technical, preventive, managerialand educational areas.
In the technical area, students obtainfundamental knowledge of the theories and teaching methods for the varioussporting disciplines, as practised essentially for enjoyment and at amateurlevel. In the preventive area, students learn how to maintain optimal physicalefficiency throughout life, as applied to normal individuals who need toprevent the diseases associated with sedentary living by adopting an active andhealthy lifestyle. In the managerial area, students learn about thelegal-administrative principles that govern the world of wellness in thesporting, recreation, education, prevention and industrial contexts. In theeducational area, students obtain knowledge about teachingexpressive-communicative movements, developing the abilities, skills andcoordination of children as they grow.
These objectives are achieved via lectures,mostly led by teachers, and inter-disciplinary seminars that stimulate theabilities of students to connect the content of the various disciplines, bothlongitudinally and transversally; via the individual study of post-secondarytextbooks and other learning materials supplied by teachers or foundindependently; via technical-practical demonstrations in laboratories or in thefield, and individual practice intended to obtain practical skills in the areasstudied; via internships at preventive-adaptive sporting structures, sportsteams and clubs and companies linked with the world of sport sciences; and,lastly, via the preparation of an original, written or multimedia report thatdemonstrates the acquired abilities of the student to gather independentlyinformation relevant to the field of study, process it independently inmulti-disciplinary terms and communicate it clearly in summarised form.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the degree programme is subject to the possession of a five-year secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad, or a four-year secondary school diploma and diploma for the relative supplementary year, or, where no longer active, admitted students will be assigned additional learning requirements.
Candidates must also demonstrate logical skills and basic knowledge and competences in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. The degree programme has restricted access, according to the available resources. The number of places and selection methods are published annually in the relative call for applications.
Admission to the degree programme with restricted access is subject to demonstration of the required knowledge and skills, by passing the entrance exam with the minimum score indicated in the call for admission. Candidates who do not achieve the minimum score set annually by the School Board and indicated in the degree programme regulation will be assigned additional learning requirements, to be completed during the first year of the programme. The additional learning requirements are based on tutored self-learning activities. The additional learning requirements will be deemed to be completed at the end of the guided study activities. The additional learning requirements will be deemed to be completed on passing the course unit exam in Applied Biology within the first year of the programme. Students not completing the requirements by the date set by the Academic Bodies and published on the University portal will be required to re-enrol to the first year of the programme as repeating students.
All students interested in enrolment, including those transferring from another degree programme at the University of Bologna or transferring from another university, whatever the programme and whatever the year of enrolment, who may be admitted following recognition of previous studies, must participate in the selection procedure in the methods laid down in the call for admission.