First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Fashion Cultures and Practices

Course structure diagrams for students enrolled a.y. 2022-23

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First Year

Compulsory Activities

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90767 Aesthetics and Cultures of the Twentieth Century M-FIL/04 6
73052 Cinema and Cultural Industry L-ART/06 12
90841 Contemporary Italian Literature L-FIL-LET/11 12
90764 Contemporary Styles and Arts L-ART/03 12
74841 History and Concepts of Photography (1) L-ART/03 6
90768 History of Contemporary Society M-STO/04 6
90769 Sociology of Culture and of the Creative Industries SPS/08 6

Second Year

A) Compulsory Activities

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
26338 English Proficiency B1 6
73059 History of Design and Contemporary Architecture ICAR/18 12
73273 Informatic Tecnologies for Fashion (1) INF/01 6
90770 Pop Theory and Poetics M-FIL/04 6
71666 Sociology of Fashion SPS/08 6

B) 2 Activities to be chosen among (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90852 Fashion Languages and Signs M-FIL/05 6
90848 Fashion Strategies and Marketing SECS-P/08 6
90851 Forms of Contemporary Fashion L-ART/03 6
90847 History and Culture of Childhood M-PED/02 6
90850 History of Fashion Archives and Heritage M-STO/04 6
90846 History of Journalism M-STO/04 6

C) 2 Activities to be chosen among (12 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90857 Archives Enhancement for Fashion L-ART/03 6
90858 Communication Design ICAR/13 6
90854 Fashion and Media SPS/08 6
90853 History of Costume and Fashion M-STO/04 6
90855 TV and Serials Culture L-ART/06 6

Third Year

A) Compulsory Activities

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90773 English Language for Fashion L-LIN/12 12

B) 1 Activity to be chosen among (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90861 Sociosemiotics of Fashion M-FIL/05 6
90859 Sustainable Fashion Management SECS-P/08 6

C) 1 Activity to be chosen among (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90864 Elements of Computer Technologies for Fashion E-Commerce INF/01 6
90862 Elements of Contemporary Aesthetics M-FIL/04 6
45188 Sociology of Lifestyles SPS/08 6

D) 1 Activity to be chosen among (6 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90883 Organization of Fashion Companies SECS-P/10 6
90881 Photography and Visual Culture L-ART/03 6
90882 Sociology of the Global Fashion Organization SPS/09 6

E) Eligible Courses among Unibo 1st cycle degree Teaching (min limit 12 CFU)

In this group it is possible to choose: 1) one of the optional teachings in Fashion Cultures and Practices 2) any teachings activated in a 1st cycle degree programme at the University of Bologna (button on Studenti Online: Insegnamento a scelta su ATENEO 010 - UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA). More information here:
E1) Attività opzionali di Culture e Pratiche della Moda
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
90857 Archives Enhancement for Fashion L-ART/03 6
90858 Communication Design ICAR/13 6
90864 Elements of Computer Technologies for Fashion E-Commerce INF/01 6
90862 Elements of Contemporary Aesthetics M-FIL/04 6
90852 Fashion Languages and Signs M-FIL/05 6
90848 Fashion Strategies and Marketing SECS-P/08 6
90854 Fashion and Media SPS/08 6
90851 Forms of Contemporary Fashion L-ART/03 6
90847 History and Culture of Childhood M-PED/02 6
90853 History of Costume and Fashion M-STO/04 6
90850 History of Fashion Archives and Heritage M-STO/04 6
90846 History of Journalism M-STO/04 6
90883 Organization of Fashion Companies SECS-P/10 6
90881 Photography and Visual Culture L-ART/03 6
45188 Sociology of Lifestyles SPS/08 6
90882 Sociology of the Global Fashion Organization SPS/09 6
90861 Sociosemiotics of Fashion M-FIL/05 6
90859 Sustainable Fashion Management SECS-P/08 6
90855 TV and Serials Culture L-ART/06 6
E2) Qualsiasi insegnamento attivato in una laurea triennale dell'Università di Bologna

F) 1 activity of 12 CFU or 2 activities of 6 CFU to be chosen among (12 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
B0711 Archiving Seminars 6
B0710 Communication Seminars 6
15349 Internship
Curricular internship (300 hours)
B0712 Operation - Planning Seminars 6
B0713 Organization Seminars 6

G) 6 CFU to be chosen among (6 CFU)

In this group, it is necessary to choose PROVA FINALE 6 CFU or PROVA FINALE 3 CFU + TIROCINIO IN PREPARAZIONE ALLA PROVA FINALE. In the second case, an internship aimed at preparing the thesis must be carried out together with the written dissertation.
cfu ? Credits
90895 Final Examination 3 CFU 3
90896 Final Examination 6 CFU 6
90898 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (3 CFU)
75-hour internship closely related to the thesis, and therefore to be agreed with the supervisor