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Quality Assurance Committee and other Committees

In order to carry out some of its functions, the Degree Programme Board is assisted by committees comprised of teachers involved in the programme. These committees are listed below, indicating their specific functions and contact persons.

Quality Assurance Committee 

Duties and composition

The Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee supports the Coordinator in monitoring the quality assurance procedures and promoting quality.

To this end, the Quality Assurance Committee is in charge of:

  • verifying the implementation of the improvement measures approved yearly by the Degree Programme Board in its review report;

  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinion on the teaching activities, the level of satisfaction at the end of the programme and graduate employment rates;

  • sharing the results of their monitoring activities with the Degree Programme Board.  

University regulations require the Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee to be composed by the Coordinator with the collaboration of other Degree Programme Board members, including student representatives:

Elena Maestrini, Degree Programme Director
Andrea Vannini

Barbara Zambelli

Guidance Committee 

The Guidance Committee organises initiatives designed to disseminate more clearly the learning content of the Degree Programme, so that those interested in enrolment can make a more informed decision.

Giorgio Milazzo
Alberto Danielli

Luisa Iommarini

The Committee is supported by the Tutors of the Degree Programmes in Genomics and Biotechnology.

Further information

Internship Committee

The Committee assists students during their internship and International Mobility procedures, approves internship requests and registers the related credits on AlmaEsami.

Committee Members

Alberto Danielli (President)

Fabrizio Ferrè

Giorgio Milazzo

International Mobility Coordinator

Gloria Ravegnini

Course Timetable Board

1st Year, 1st Semester: Riccardo Amorati

1st Year, 2nd Semester: Andrea Vannini

2nd Year, 1st Semester: Martina Cappelletti

2nd Year, 2nd Semester: Federico Giorgi

3rd Year, 1st Semester: Elena Bacchelli

3rd Year, 2nd Semester: Silvia Zullo - Gloria Ravegnini

Student Affairs

Matteo Masetti

TOLC Exams - Reference Person

Alberto Danielli