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Notice board


Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24. Deadline: 8 August.

Linguistic Proficiency - Upcoming Exam Dates

From 12 August to 1 September, you can book your language proficiency exam on AlmaEsami. Find out when you can take it.

What do you think about our University?

Your opinion will guide actions to improve it. Spend a few minutes on the online survey.

Contributions for contributions for health costs for non-resident students

If you are a non-resident student at the University of Bologna and you have an ISEE not exceeding €35,000.00, you can apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 11 July.

Trieste Next - Festival of Scientific Research

13th Edition - "The Horizons of Intelligence. Knowledge and the Human-Technology Frontier"

Be part of the Alma Mater

Join the guided tours to get to know your University better. Check the tour schedule and sign up!

News on TOLC Test 2024/25

Admissions are now open! Find out which TOLC Tests are suitable for enrolling at the programme. Please regularly check the updated calendar for the dates of upcoming tests.

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.


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