First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Genomics

Dissertation and Final Mark

How to choose your topic and write your thesis

Choose your topic

Bearing in mind the prescriptions given by the University Teaching Regulations, the final examination consists in the production and public discussion of a dissertation on a topic consistent with the degree Programme objectives or with the activities performed during the internship. Training occurs under the guidance of a tutor professor who supervises and supports the activity of the student, and checks the quality of the dissertation before it is sent to the judging committee. 

Write your thesis

Editorial rules are standard, dissertations that do not follow the rules explained below will not be accepted.

  • Double-sided printing;
  • Figures and charts in UNI format (A4, A3);
  • Adequate size for the Charts Folder (A4 and correct thickness);
  • The dissertation must not be more betwenn 30 and 40 pages long. If you want to use the University trademark, follow the instructions at the page Use of the University trademark in final examination;
  • Font: no particular rules have been set, but candidates are recommended to use a proper font, such as Times New Roman, Arial etc.

Final Mark

The Board will assess the candidate's overall performance – dissertation, curriculum, time taken to complete their studies, transfers from another University or another programme – applying specific rules for each Degree Programme.
The Board expresses its assessment with a grade out of one hundred and ten. The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110 and a maximum grade of 110/110. In the case of granting a maximum grade, the Board may also grant honours (lode) by unanimous decision.
See the information on how to calculate the average score based on your study programme

The criteria to assess dissertations are:

  • originality of the subject,
  • correct methodology,
  • level of in-depth analysis,
  • adequate writing and editing,
  • ability to express and present the dissertation.

The Board can add up to 6 points to the average score (0-4 are given by the Supervisor, 0-2 by the Board). Honours (lode) can be grant only if candidates have at least one 30 cum laude in their career and their evaluation (average score + points given for the dissertation) goes beyond the highest score foreseen, i.e. 110. This decision must be unanimous.

Final marks will be published on candidates' Studenti Online within the 5 days following their dissertation. From that moment, the qualification has legal value.