Graduates possess extensive knowledge in:
· Mathematics/ linear algebra
· Statistics
· Computer science (computer programming and algorithm design)
· Genomes structure and organization (prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· Transcriptomes structure and organization (prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· Proteomes structure and organization (prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· Interactomics
· Metabolomics
· Meta/epigenomics
The afore-mentioned knowledge and abilities to understand are acquired through lectures, activities in laboratories with individual places, which enable the individual execution of experimental protocols, classroom practice, supported by professors and tutors, together with personal study.
The evaluation of the acquired knowledge is carried out through written and oral exams, mid-term assessment, laboratory practice reports, and scientific papers discussions.
Students are able to increase their knowledge and develop their own understanding through the dialogue with professors and tutors during lectures and specifically in laboratory activities.
Graduates are able to apply their knowledge of:
· Mathematics/ linear algebra
· Statistics
· Computer science (computer programming and algorithm design)
· Genomes structure and organization (prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· Transcriptomes structure and organization (prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· Proteomes structure and organization prokaryotic, uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms)
· -Omic networks and their simulation and multi-scale modeling
Results are achieved through lectures supported by practical exercise and a wide and focused tutorship. They are assessed through an oral exam and/or a written paper.
- are able to work autonomously on the implementation of programming protocols and/or statistical data analysis;
- Are able to organize and understand relevant scientific data resulting from -omic data generation in laboratory;
- Are able to note and assemble new genomes and also to comparatively analyze genomes/transcriptomes/proteomes data present in public and private databases;
- Have the ability to analyze and synthesize information for the management and distribution of experimental data in the scientific field;
- Are able to make judgements on social, scientific and ethical matters linked to the analysis and the use of -omic data;
- Are able to adapt to different topics and fields of work;
- Are able to trace and examine information sources, data and literature of the specific field.
The ability to make judgements is developed and verified through laboratory practices, carried out independently in many teaching modules, and through written papers, required in some modules, at the end of the internship or for the final thesis. Students develop their own ability to make judgement on social and ethical issues within the bioethics module.
- Are able to collaborate in group works, specifically in planning and processing -omic data;
- Are able to make effective use of the English language, both written and spoken, in the field of bioinformatics analysis, computational biotechnologies, database management and biology of systems;
- Have social and communication skills that enable them to work in international contexts;
- Are able to write scientific and technical reports both in Italian and in English;
Written and oral communication skills are achieved through activities that include the drafting of written reports and the discussion of the group work outcomes; the evaluation in the acquisition of these activities is carried out with tests and laboratory activities. The development of communication skills is also verified through the compulsory internship. As far as the English language is concerned, although the entry level B2 is quite high, students are expected to deepen the four linguistic abilities (reading, writing, listening and speaking) since lectures, laboratory activities and exam are held in English. A further opportunity to enrich the language knowledge is through the internship abroad and the study of scientific papers. Furthermore, the acquisition of communication skills is developed through the preparation of the internship final reports and the dissertation.
- Are able to work autonomously and continue their professional training;
- Are able to learn and deepen additional techniques in -omic data design and analysis in order to undertake specialized studies;
- Are able to conduct a target-oriented work;
Learning skills are developed during the entire degree programme, either with individual study, dialogue with professors during oral exams and revision of written papers, and the organization of implementing protocols during laboratory activities, under the supervision of professors and tutors. The internship and the activity for the final thesis preparation are key opportunities to increase learning skills which are evaluated through the exams planned for each module, taking into consideration the scheduled time for each academic year and the data individually obtained within the setting up of experimental protocols. There will be also an evaluation of the self-learning skill gained during the internship activities and the activity for the final thesis preparation, as well as the ability to critically discuss the scientific topics covered.