Details on the Graduation Day (hour, Graduation Board, location, etc.) will be published on Studenti Online. Graduations start on the appointed date and will continue in the following days should this be necessary.
Thesis presentation check
This service offers graduates the opportunity to do a check of their thesis presentation, with the same equipment and in the same classroom where the Degrees will be held. The date of this check will be communicated via e-mail to the institutional email address a few days before the date of the graduation session.
Please notice that the service can be guaranteed only in the graduation sessions of July, September and February. During other periods, the service will be offered only if locations are available. It will not be possible to do the thesis presentation check if there are classes or other teaching-related activities.
Candidates will have max. 6-7 minutes to present their thesis via PowerPoint Presentation or a similar software: further 5 minutes will be dedicated to the discussion with the Board.
At the end of all dissertations of the same group of students, the President of the Board will award the title and specify the final mark to each candidate.
After that, candidates, relatives and friends shall leave the premises to let the other students have their dissertations and graduate.