The Degree Programme in Health Care aims totrain operators with the scientific and technical knowledge required to workresponsibly as Health Care Assistants, based on the principles and methods ofhealth prevention, promotion and education pursuant to D.M. no. 69 of17.01.1997.
The Programme sets out to provide studentswith an integrated socio-sanitary culture, laying the foundations for learningthe contents and methods of prevention, education, rehabilitation and supportin the personal and collective health field.
In particular graduates shall demonstratecompetences in:
the delivery of health education,prevention and promotion, and the use of specific methods, techniques andinstruments; identifying healthcare needs and priorities in prevention,education and rehabilitation targeting individuals, families and the community;identifying healthcare needs on the basis of epidemiological and socio-culturaldata; identifying biological and social risk factors; designing, planning,implementing and assessing health education interventions throughout all phasesof life; collaborating in the definition of communication methods, programmesand campaigns for health promotion and education; cooperating in the trainingof health and school workers concerning the methods of health education; cooperatingin family planning and health, sexual and socio-affective education programmes;running specific family support projects; activating support networks, also incooperation with general medical practices and other local health workers.
1. Admission requirements and evaluation
This second cycle degree programme hasrestricted access set at national level (pursuant to art. 1 of Italian Law264/99) and is governed by ministerial decree.
The number of places available and the methodsof the admission process are laid down annually by MIUR.
Applicants to the degree programme shallhold a five-year secondary school diploma or equivalent suitable qualificationobtained abroad, or a four-year secondary school diploma and diploma for therelative supplementary year, or, where no longer active, will be assignedcredits to be awarded.
Candidates must also demonstrate theknowledge and skills laid down annually in the ministerial decree concerningthe methods and contents of admission tests for nationally programmedrestricted access degree programmes, as published in the call for admission.
The number of places, entrance exam date,contents and selection methods are published annually in the relative call foradmission.
2. Assessment of basic knowledge
The knowledge and competence requirementsfor admission are deemed to be met by applicants who obtain the followingscores in the entrance exam:
- 20 for students in the quota of Italian,EU and equivalent nationals
- 5 for students in the quota of non-EUcitizens resident abroad, as laid down in the laws in force.
3. Additional learning requirements andassessment
Enrolled students who did not obtain theminimum score in the entrance exam will be assigned the following AdditionalLearning Requirements ("OFA"), which must be completed during thefirst year of the programme:
Basic Medical Knowledge.
The Additional Learning Requirements aredeemed to have been passed when students pass the first-year exam in:
Failure to meet the requirements by thedate set by the Academic Bodies and published on the University Portal willlead to the re-enrolment in the first year of the programme.
The Degree Programme board considers thelevel of the candidates' knowledge and skills to be satisfactory if they have,in their previous academic career, obtained all the credits listed for thefollowing subject areas:
For students from the previous degreesystem under D.M. 509/99 shall have passed at least one exam relating to theknowledge covered by the aforementioned subject areas.
Candidates to whom this clause refersshould provide proof of this when submitting their application to the StudentAdministration Office.
4. Assessment of language skills andknowledge
Admission to the degree programme issubject to the assessment of knowledge and skills in the English language, tolevel A2.
Students holding a corresponding languagecertification may be exempted from sitting this exam.
Students demonstrating a level of less thanA2 will be assigned additional language learning requirements.
This linguistic deficit must be recoveredin preparation for subsequent exams:
▪ preparatory courses to level B1, prior tothe year III exams.