First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in History

Career Orientation Services

Orientation services and activities to support students in choosing a degree programme, to provide guidance during their studies and assistance for placement after graduation.

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Orientation for incoming students

The Programme Tutor provides support to candidates for admission procedure and information about learning outcomes, teaching activities and career opportunities.

Course Tutors

Claudio Zabatta

Nunzia Rose  

Furthermore, services organized by the University are available, such as “ALMA ORIENTA” (for First and Second cycle degree programmes)

Orientation activities 

The Programme takes part in the orientation activities promoted by the University and organizes other specific activities to present the main aspects of the study plan and provide students with all the information necessary to start their studies.

  • AlmaOrienta: organized at BolognaFiere between the end of January and the beginning of March;
  • Open week: organised by the School in September;
  • Meeting with freshperson: organised at the beginning of the lessons in order to provide information about the learning activities of the subjects.
  • Open Day: the Course organises, from February to May, a series of meetings where information about the enrolment and learning activities is provided.

Ongoing Orientation

For the on-going support you can contact the Referente di area

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Post Graduation Orientation

For the on-going support you can contact the Referente di area 

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