First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in History

Educational paths



Please find in attachment the documents with the paths and timetables divided into the following chronological macro-areas: Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary worlds.

The paths are a useful tool for those who wish to specialize in one of the fields listed above, allowing a more immediate overview of the exams related to the specific chronological area and of the relative timetables. They are intended to be a support and not a binding indication for the study plan compilation, which remains at the students’ discretion.

In the paths can be found choices that have to be made in the single teaching groups.

Key to colours used in the timetables:

Black: fundamental courses.

Green: Anthropology

Ochre: methodology and sources.

Blue: Philosophy.

Orange: first group of choices.

Light blue: second group of choices.

Red: first group of choices (third year only).

Lilac: second group of choices (third year only).

Yellow highlighting: training activity at the option.

For any clarification about the function and the structure of the paths, you can contact the course tutor, Luca Contardi: