First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in History


Professional profiles

professional profile

Teacher of historical culture

function in a professional context:

A teacher of historical culture works in public and private organizations that run educational and cultural programmes connected with history disciplines and the cultural heritage. In liaison with other specialists of the profession, they:

- run educational training and update courses of history for various categories of public using archives, libraries and museums;

- contribute to arranging educational projects to disseminate knowledge of history and past culture, tailored to the particular cultural demand;

- draft and produce teaching aids (including multimedia materials for e-learning and lifelong learning by adults) pertaining to the history disciplines;

- handle the didactic side of guided tours and produce materials aimed to bring the cultural heritage to life in its historical context.

To carry out the tasks described, specific knowledgeof, and skills in, human and social subjects are needed. To gain greater independence and responsibility and handle the tools and methods of the trade, graduates may need further specialization and professional training,supplementing what they acquired during their degree programme in history.

competencies associated to the function:

The job described calls for:

- a capacity for self-learning and constant updating;

- appropriate transversal skills in communications/relating, organization/management and programming, compatible with the degree of independence and responsibility expected, with the organization and work style being adopted and with the main type of interlocutor(colleagues, fellow professionals, users/customers);

- mastery of the basic techniques for broadening the general interest in the cultural and historical heritage.

Career opportunities:

- Public, private and service-providing institutions;

- Cultural associations and centres;

- Foundations.

Popular historian

function in a professional context:

The job of popular historians is to promote interest in history and past culture by devising and running events in various information and communication fields, working either as freelance professionals or for public and private institutions.

In their work they often team with other specialistsin the field:

- taking part in ventures promoting Italian history and culture abroad in the education and cultural services;

- helping organize and run events, performances, exhibitions and such like to promote a sense of local identity through history or cultural tradition;

- running programmes on the media to make people aware of their history;

- writing books of popular history or journalism tothe same end (publishing, newspapers, periodicals, radio, TV).

To carry out the tasks described, specific knowledge of, and skills in, human and social subjects are needed. To gain greater independence and responsibility and handle the tools and methods of the trade,graduates may need further specialization and professional training,supplementing what they acquired during their degree programme in history.

competencies associated to the function:

The job described calls for:

- specific skills in social fields and the humanities;

- transversal skills in communications/relating,organization/management and programming;

- ability to update constantly and a degree of autonomy commensurate with the role;

- knowledge of the basic techniques and tools for transmitting the facts of history.

Career opportunities:

- Such public, private and service-providing institutions (foundations, cultural associations and centres and the service sector) as conduct scientific surveys and act to safeguard and foster a sense of the cultural, historical and environmental heritage;

- Television and radio networks, and the cinema world;

- Newspapers and periodicals (including e-periodicals).


function in a professional context:

A sub-editor liaises with other specialists to draftand edit history texts. He/she may:

- edit catalogues, illustrated texts, teaching and scientific publications;

- edit scripts and material for the theatre, cinema,television and telecommunications involving historical documentation;

- help produce publishing projects, prepare and revise texts in traditional or computerized form, edit translations and Italian editions of works of history;

- compose tables relating to sources and documents(text, images, multimedia) or to the literature of historians suitable for experts from other fields.

To carry out the tasks described, specific knowledge of, and skills in, human and social subjects are needed. To gain greater independence and responsibility and handle the tools and methods of the trade, graduates may need further specialization and professional training, supplementing what they acquired during their degree programme in history.

competencies associated to the function:

The job described calls for:

- a capacity for self-learning and constant updating;

- skills in organization/management, programming, summarising and communicating;

- ICT skills pertaining to data search, editing oftexts and database location and consultation.

Career opportunities:

- Generic or specialist publishing houses

- Press offices

- Television and radio networks, and the cinema world.

- Newspapers and periodicals (includinge-periodicals).

Public administrator (in roles requiring a historydegree)

function in a professional context:

History graduates may work in various branches ofpublic administration, liaising with other specialists in the fields ofdocumentation and cultural back-up services. They may:

- work for public institutions that document processesof change in socio-political and economic systems, trade-unions and political life,or provide cultural consultancy, coordination, organization and popularizing schemes;

- assist those in charge of social policy, culturalintegration, equal opportunities, and setting up centres of documentation;

- help organize and run cultural exchanges at school and university level, including schemes promoted by public administration and supra-nationalbodies;

- help devise and set up documentation and cultural support facilities for the promotion of dialogue in civil society, within parties, trade-unions, public and private organizations and consortiums.

To carry out the tasks described, specific knowledge of, and skills in, human and social subjects are needed. To gain greater independence and responsibility and handle the tools and methods of the trade, graduates may need further specialization and professional training, supplementing what they acquired during their degree programme in history.

competencies associated to the function:

The job described calls for:

- a capacity for self-learning and constant updating;

- skills in organization/management, programming;

- communication/relating skills;

- technical skills towards locating, archiving,consulting and disseminating various kinds of data.

Career opportunities:

- institutions, public and private organizations, consortiums and public companies, cooperatives

- trade-unions, parties, service organizations.

Continuing to study

It gives access to second cycle studies (laurea specialistica/magistrale) and master universitario di primo livello.