First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Biology of Human and Environmental Health

Health and Safety mandatory training

For your safety in study and research areas

What it’s about

These are occupational health and safety training courses required by Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008. The training is compulsory and consists of:

  • General Training: Module 1
  • Specific Training - Low Risk: Module 2
  • Specific Training - Medium Risk: Module 2 + Module 3
  • Specific Training - High Risk: Module 2 + Module 3 + Module 4

Who it’s for

All students who during their university career carry out internships, prepare their final dissertation, or participate in activities in any sort of laboratory. 

After matriculation, you will be provided all the information required to take part in the training.

Recognition of previous training

The University considers valid:

  • General training(Module 1) carried out at the University of Bologna or another institution
  • Specific training (Modules 2, 3, 4), only if you already had training at the University of Bologna, for the same category of risk and within the 5-year validity of the certificate. The University does not recognise specific health and safety training provided by other entities, schools and organisations.

To request recognition, verify validity, and - if applicable - obtain exoneration from an equivalent training module, please send your certificate to the address provided in the Contacts section.

Modules established by the Course

Exceptionally, given that this is a joint First Cycle Degree in partnership with Padua University, UniBo will recognize the safety training carried out at Unipd for third-year students arriving in Bologna to pursue the Environmental Health curriculum, that is:


For this reason, students who hold the relative certificates are exempted from carrying out modules 1, 2 and 3.

For any information about health and safety training course please write to