First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Biology of Human and Environmental Health

Programme aims

The student will possess an adequate basic knowledge of the different fields of the life sciences and multidisciplinary methodological and technological knowledge for biological investigation, necessary to understand the biology and physiology of the cell, organs and systems of the human body.

The first two years take place at the University of Padua, where the student acquires basic knowledge, in subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, molecular and genetic biology, bioinformatics and computational methods, physiology, applied to man and the environment and their mutual impact.

In the third year the student may opt between the following study paths:
• Human Health (at University of Padua): focus on the fileds of molecular and cellular biology, epidemiology, pathology, bioethics and public health , immunology and pharmacology;
• Environmental Health (at University of Bologna): focus on environment physiology, on human-environment interactions and their spillovers on human health and nutrition, with specific knowledges on microbiology and genome editing.

In the first two years, frontal instruction will be accompanied by alternative teaching (instruction in small groups), hands-on laboratories in basic disciplines (chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, computer science), in suitable classrooms. In third year, laboratory experiences will be achieved by internships in biomedical or environmental research laboratories, both in academia and outside the proposing universities. The willingness to host students, by public and private structures operating locally, has clearly emerged during consultations with the stakeholders.
The international character of the course is supported by the use of English for all activities, including teaching, practicals, exams, internships, preparation and discussion of the thesis).

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Corso di Biology of Human and Environmental Health - codice 5909