The Degree Programme in Mediterranean History,Societies and Cultures (class L-42) aims to produce graduates able to address arange of key issues in the modern world: intercultural cohabitation, evolutionof the globalisation process, intercultural cooperation, the sustainable use ofresources and interaction with the environment (particularly the marineenvironment), forms social organisation and transformation, interfaithdialogue, economic relationships with emerging markets (the Arab world, NorthAfrica, West Africa, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the near East), the relationshipbetween European integration and the southern Mediterranean, problem solvingand scenario analysis and management of safety dynamics.
The aim is to prepare students for professional roles in the field ofhistorical and anthropological education and culture, in education andresearch, and in the management of intercultural relationships and the dynamicsrelated to territorial security. Graduates will also be qualified to take onroles of responsibility in various public and private sectors, such as culturaland museum organisations, national and European Union public institutions andinternational organisations. They may also perform roles related to theorganisation and promotion of cultural and artistic events (shows, exhibitions,festivals, etc.) and work in businesses and organisations interested inMediterranean markets and in their relationship with North European, Atlanticand Middle Eastern markets.
The degree programme is based on a rich combination of scientific andeducational skills that cut across the humanities and international relations,as well as legal and environmental sciences. The organisational structure ofthe programme includes two years of course units common to all students,progressively addressing issues concerning the historical-cultural andgeographical-territorial aspects of the area (Year I), as well as subjectsuseful for acquiring conceptual tools aimed at correctly interpreting theproblematic issues of contemporaneity in their complexity and interdependence(Year II). In parallel, in the first two years, students will study in-depth ofa vehicular language that is traditionally rooted in the area (English orFrench or German or Spanish) as well as Arabic language and culture, anindispensable tool for knowledge of the specificity of the various contexts.
Having acquired the basic fundamental knowledge, the programme is divided intotwo strongly characterised curricula. The first focuses on in-depthhistorical-religious and historical-cultural studies, with a focus on environmental,geographical and sustainability developments. The second emphasises thedimension of political relations, coexistence and encounters between cultures,with particular attention to legal and social implications.
There are several objectives:
- the acquisition of the ability to focus on and understand the complexity ofthe levels of integration and interdependence of the various social andcultural realities (religion, politics, kinship, gender, education, modes ofthought);
- the development of the propensity to dialogue between theoretical andscientific tools and the 'real world' (problems, situations and concretecontexts) in an innovative way and with constant attention to the consequencesof one's decisions in an ethical and socially responsible manner;
- the acquisition of the ability to assess and consider an issue from multiplepoints of view, overcoming stereotypes and ethnocentrisms, and the equallyimportant ability to make reliable and well-founded judgements on the basis ofthe information available in contexts that are not always easy to read.
With regard to the optional activities, students will have ample possibility toindicate their interest in the available course modules, events or internshipsthat are compatible with their degree. The programme concludes with thesubmission of a thesis on the topics covered in the course modules.