Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Ravenna First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Mediterranean history, Societies and Cultures

Mediterranean history, Societies and Cultures

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Programme aims

The Degree Programme in Mediterranean History,Societies and Cultures (class L-42) aims to produce graduates able to address arange of key issues in the modern world: intercultural cohabitation, evolutionof the globalisation process, intercultural cooperation, the sustainable use ofresources and interaction with the environment (particularly the marineenvironment), forms social organisation and transformation, interfaithdialogue, economic relationships with emerging markets (the Arab world, NorthAfrica, West Africa, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, the near East), the relationshipbetween… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the DegreeProgramme in MEDITERRANEAN HISTORY, SOCIETIES AND CULTURES requires possessionof a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreignqualification recognised as suitable. Additionally, knowledge and competencies in the following areas are required: Strong general knowledge of history, geography and geopolitics; Logical and reasoning skills; The ability to read, understand and interpret texts and documents (in theItalian language); Strong expressive skills in Italian; Knowledge of one European Union language to at least CEFR level A2. The… Read more