The degree programme in Social Work aims totrain professional social workers, who after passing the state examination mayregister with section B of the professional register to practice. Thisprogramme trains professional profiles able to work in public and privatesocial services, considering the operational methods of the organisation theywork in. In their work, graduates must be able to understand, analyse andassess the demands of professional social services, identifying and fosteringthe use of all personal and institutional resources and those available in thelocal community to implement care paths responding to the presented requests andproblems. They must be able to: define interventions and promote theirimplementation among users; implement and periodically assess the care path inorder to achieve the goals that have been set, using the specific methods andtechniques learned in the degree programme. Graduates must be able to analysethe needs of specific categories of people in recognised conditions ofhardship. Social worker skills mainly cover the following areas: the elderly,patients with psychiatric disorders, addiction, physical and mental disability,prison, families and children, risk of deviance, social hardship among adultsand immigrants. Also in line with national and regional legislation, graduatesshall also be able to assess the needs of potential users and the local resources,developing scientific research and study skills focusing on the localterritory, also based on data sources available from local institutions.
To achieve these goals, thecurriculum includes a core of sociological course units, referring particularlyto general sociology and the methodology of social research, sociology of theterritory, sociology of hardship and deviance and social work topics. Thecurriculum also includes course units in psychology and psychiatry, and othersin law, history and economics, as well as some language units (English andFrench). In this programme, fundamental importance is paid to the workshopspreparing for the internship as well as the internship itself, which guidesgraduates in choosing their preferred area of social work, developing skillsfor working in groups with other professional figures and acquiring knowledgeof the main areas of social work, learning to manage professional relations(including the ethical conduct of social workers), institutional relations(learning to work within organisations and facilities) and social relations.The learning outcomes are assessed in progress tests, written or oral exams atthe end of the course units or learning activities and in the finalexamination.
Admissionrequirements for the degree programme
Admissionrequirements and evaluation
Applicants to the degreeprogramme in Social Work shall hold a five-year secondary school diploma orequivalent suitable qualification obtained abroad, or a four-year secondaryschool diploma and diploma for the relative supplementary year, or, where nolonger active, they will be assigned credits to be awarded.
Admissionto the degree programme in Social Work is subject to the fulfillment of:
-Sound knowledge of the Italian language;
- Strong general knowledge;
Assessmentmay be made in written or oral form.
Theentrance exam procedures will be defined by the School Board at the proposal ofthe Degree Programme Board and published on the University portal.
Thedegree programme has restricted access at local level, according to theavailable resources. The number of places and selection methods are publishedannually in the relative call for applications.
Additionallearning requirements and assessment
Students who do not pass theentrance exam will be assigned additional learning requirements("OFA"). Teaching staff/tutors will assess the test results with thestudents and set additional learning requirements based on a supplementarybibliography to help students fill the learning gaps. Additional learningrequirements are deemed to be completed by students passing one or a maximum oftwo exams in the first year of the programme, according to the identifiedlearning gaps. The exams to be passed to meet the additional learningrequirements and the name of the professor/tutor will be defined by the SchoolBoard at the proposal of the Degree Programme Board and will be published onthe University portal.
In the case of restricted accessset at local level, assessment of basic knowledge is deemed to be satisfactoryfor applicants obtaining the minimum score in the entrance exam as indicated inthe call for applications. Students admitted to the programme who do not obtainthe minimum score will be assigned additional learning requirements as laiddown in this Regulation.