Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Sociology


Programme aims

The degree programme in Sociology providesstudents with the knowledge and skills for understanding the varied and complexsocial phenomena the main processes of social change that are directly relatedto globalisation, understood as the increasing interdependence betweendifferent national and local social systems from an economic, political,cultural, religious, media, communication and linguistic point of view.Particular attention will be focused on the study of the most importantstructural, institutional, demographic and subjective transformations ofeconomic and political processes and the… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the 1st cycledegree programme in Sociology is subject to the possession of a five-yearsecondary school diploma or suitable qualification obtained abroad, as well asappropriate basic knowledge and competences in the subjects covered under thisprogramme. The knowledge required for admission andthe methods of assessment are laid down in the degree programme teachingregulation. Candidates not passing the assessment will be assigned additionallearning requirements, These additional learning requirements aresubject to specific assessment. The methods of assessment are laid… Read more