Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Statistical Sciences

Curriculum Stats&Maths: for students enrolled a.y. 2019-20

Classes will be held in the following terms: First term (from 16/09 to 18/10/2019); Second term (from 11/11 to 13/12/2019); P (from 16/09 to 13/12/2019); Third term (from 17/02 to 20/03/2020); Fourth term (from 20/04 to 22/05/2020); S (from 17/02 to 22/05/2020). Lesson Hours: 10 and 8 ECTS (CFU) = 60; 6 ECTS (CFU) = 36 and 45; 4 ECTS (CFU) = 30; 3 ECTS (CFU) = 20..

First Year

1. Learning activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 09/09/2019 - 25/10/2019 2: 11/11/2019 - 20/12/2019 3: 17/02/2020 - 27/03/2020 4: 20/04/2020 - 29/05/2020 P: 09/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 S: 17/02/2020 - 29/05/2020 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
79188 Demography 1 SECS-S/04 6
26337 English Language Test B - 2 1 6
79185 Statistics and Probability 2
79222  Probability I 2 MAT/06 6
79221  Statistics I 1 SECS-S/01 6
79189 Statistics II 3 SECS-S/01 6
79184 Mathematics I P MAT/05 10
60348 Informatics S ING-INF/05 10
65086 Linear Algebra S MAT/03 10

Second Year

Learning activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 09/09/2019 - 25/10/2019 2: 11/11/2019 - 20/12/2019 3: 17/02/2020 - 27/03/2020 4: 20/04/2020 - 29/05/2020 P: 09/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 S: 17/02/2020 - 29/05/2020 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
79191 Analysis of Data 1 4
28171 Probability II 1 MAT/06 6
28174 Inference 2 SECS-S/01 6
28170 Mathematics II 2 MAT/02 6
28172 Biostatistics 3 SECS-S/02 6
28178 Multivariate Analysis 3 SECS-S/01 6
79190 Time Series 3 SECS-S/01 6
32626 Econometrics 4 SECS-P/05 6
32821 Survey sampling 4 SECS-S/01 6
28177 Statistical Models P SECS-S/01 8

Third Year

1. Learning activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 09/09/2019 - 25/10/2019 2: 11/11/2019 - 20/12/2019 3: 17/02/2020 - 27/03/2020 4: 20/04/2020 - 29/05/2020 P: 09/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 S: 17/02/2020 - 29/05/2020 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
37494 Project 1 4
37278 Numerical Analysis (I.C.) 2
79192  Computational Statistics 2 SECS-S/01 6
37261  Numerical Analysis 1 MAT/08 6
79193 Statistical Methods for Database Integration (I.C.) 2
79194  Databases 2 ING-INF/05 6
30711  Record Linkage 1 SECS-S/01 6
77093 Environmental Statistics 3 SECS-S/01 6
79296 Advanced Analysis of Data 4 6
79195 Statistics for Economics P SECS-S/03 8

2. Electives (12 CFU)

You can choose among al the learning activities offered by the international courses of the School of Economics and management (Bologna), but anyway we suggest you to choose the following activities:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 09/09/2019 - 25/10/2019 2: 11/11/2019 - 20/12/2019 3: 17/02/2020 - 27/03/2020 4: 20/04/2020 - 29/05/2020 P: 09/09/2019 - 20/12/2019 S: 17/02/2020 - 29/05/2020 ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
17271 Work Experience / Stage
225 hours
1 9
79301 Lab 1 2 3
79299 Design of Experiments 3 SECS-S/01 6
79303 Lab 2 3 3