Curriculum Stats&Maths

Acknowledgement of University Educational Credits (CFU)

How to have previously achieved credits recognised in your current academic career.

If you are a student enrolled in the Stats&Maths curriculum of the Statistics Department and you attended in your previous academic career some courses relevant with Stats&Maths subjects and goals, you may apply for the recognition of the corresponding credits by completing and submitting the form that you find as attachment on this page, but only in the following cases:

-          you were previously enrolled in a course within the University of Bologna;

-          you were previously enrolled in a course in another University in Italy or abroad;

-          you were previously enrolled in a single course unit;

and your career has ended for one of the following reasons:

·         graduation;

·         withdrawal from studies;

·         loss of student status;

·         it was a single course unit;

·         it was a course taken abroad.

If you belong to one of the cathegories listed above, if the course you attended is relevant to the Stats&Maths subjects and if you passed the related exam, you may apply for credit recognition by submitting the attached form to the Student Administration Office. The Stats&Maths Board will then assess your request and make a decision.

For International Students: please note that the attached form is only available in Italian; therefore, if you need help to fill it in, please contact the tutor of the course at the email address She will set up an appointment with you and help you fill in the form. 

For further information please look at the following website: