Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Stats&Maths FIRST CYCLE DEGREE/BACHELOR IN Statistical Sciences


Professional Profile 

The statistician assists specialists in experimental research to support the collection, organization and interpretation of numerical data,
in particular in the analysis of the characteristics of a population through inference from a sample.
He/she then enters as an expert in quantitative analysis in all public and private institutions and organizations in which it is necessary to manage data
and decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
In particular, the statistician is responsible for providing support in:
- performing and managing quantitative surveys in all social, biomedical, environmental and economic areas;
- managing medium and large databases;
- carrying out opinion polls;
- collaborating in the production of statistical indicators.

Skills associated with the profile

For the performance of the functions described above, specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the statistical and IT field are required,
which are used in the described work contexts.
More specifically, the statistician must be able to:
- understand and collaborate in the methodological construction of samples and surveys;
- evaluate the quality of the information contained in the used databases;
- use softwares for the management of complex databases and for the analysis and statistical processing of data;
- elaborate and interpret the results of the analysis in relation to the phenomenon of interest;
- be able to work in groups with experts of the areas concerned by the statistical analysis;
- contribute to public presentations of survey results.

Sources of Employment

- Public entities
- Research centers
- Medium and large public and private companies producing goods and services.

Continuing to study

The Bachelor's Degree in Statistical Sciences gives access to second-cycle studies: Laurea Magistrale (Master's Degrees) and Master Universitari (Professional Masters Programmes)