Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Rimini First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in Business Economics

Business Economics

  • Programme type Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Rimini
  • Language English, Italian
  • Type of access Restricted access - entrance exam - TOLC-E
  • Degree Programme Class L-18 - Business administration
  • Degree Programme Director Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli
  • Department Management - DiSA
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

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Programme aims

The aim of the Degree Programme in Business Economics is to produce business consultants able to undertake administrative careers in companies and other organisations at management level, as well as to work as freelance accountants or statutory auditors. The degree programme has a dual objective. On the one hand, the programme consolidates the accounting, administrative and legal studies undertaken by the students with a view to preparing them to work as accountants and statutory auditors. The programme provides students with the competences and skills required to professionally manage… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the First Cycle Degree Programme in Business Economics requires possessionof a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or a foreign qualification recognised as suitable. Additionally, knowledge and competence in the following areas arerequired: -logical reasoning and mathematical skills - for the Italian taught curricula: English language skills at a level of (atleast) A2, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - for the English taught curriculum: English language skills at a level of (atleast) B1, based on the Common European… Read more