Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced spectroscopy in chemistry

Expected learning outcomes

Professional role: Industrial Chemistry Expert in Laboratory structural determinations Professional areas: 1. Product, material, process and formulation research and development 2. Quality – Safety System Management Industrial Chemists with a second-cycle degree in Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry will be able to conduct research, tests, experiments and analysis on products, materials or formulations of industrial relevance, defining their composition and properties. They identify and apply survey methods and formulate theories on the basis of observations; they design or improve products, materials, formulations or processes also of a non-conventional type using theoretical simulation techniques. More specifically, as part of the proposed professional opportunities: 1. they plan, design and carry out the tests and laboratory trials for the development of new products, materials and formulations and the improvement of existing ones, based on the company development policy and in response to specific customer requirements. They certify compliance with standards in force and safety standards. They collaborate with technical assistance and production to characterise and qualify new products and new technologies to be experimented. They deal independently with any diagnostic problems related to customer complaints. 2. Based on the specifications of products, materials, formulations or processes, they plan, design and perform quality controls which require knowledge of advanced chemical and instrumental techniques. They guarantee the necessary technical assistance for defect detection and identifying the cause of defects in a production and/or packaging system. They inspect products, components and parts and certify analysis results. They draft proposals aimed at improving control procedures, within the framework of the new REACH European standard for the introduction of new molecules on the market.