The selected students will study in at least 2 countries; a standard mobility of two semesters (one academic year) is recommended, the simplest scheme being a selection of two different locations: one per academic year, according to the specialization field of the targeted master thesis topic.
Exceptions: students can visit up to 3 universities. Students who wish to come back to the University Lille1 for the 4th semester master Thesis, will have to spend the 2nd AND/OR 3rd semester at another location.
- A 1st semester at Lille1 (FR), dedicated to provide all candidates with a common platform of core courses in advanced spectroscopic methods, including magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy and diffraction techniques.
- A second semester at Lille1 (FR) or Leipzig (DE) universities
- A 3rd and/or 4th semester mobility in another of the consortium institutions. The ASC consortium covers all fields of spectroscopy, with an emphasis on specialization courses in the following specialties:
- University of Bologna: Sustainable Chemistry, Spectroscopy of fluid and condensed phases
- University of Helsinki: Spectroscopy of atmospheric and green chemistry, computational chemistry
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow: Spectroscopy of nanomaterials and biomaterials
- Leipzig University: Spectroscopy for bio-organics, catalysis and surface science
- University of Lille 1: Spectroscopy for Solid State, Spectroscopy and catalysis
The 4th semester mobility is based on the student’s choice of a research topic for the Master thesis. The Master thesis is strongly encouraged to be based on a collaborative project between two of the partner institutions.
Mobility is organized well in advance, as early as mid- November of the first semester of the ASC programme: each student will select his/her mobility pathway towards the choice of a specific field for his/her master thesis in the 4th semester: A ranking of 3 choices per student is required, each different choice being duly motivated and explained in a common letter of motivation. This ranking will be discussed by the Academic Board in a meeting held for the purpose of reaching a minimum distribution of 3-4 students per ASC institution for the second year of ASC studies.
Mobility grants are available. To access summary table please click here.
A summer or winter school is organized each year in the ASC Master programme, between the 2nd and the 3rd semester, with the aim of bringing ASC students (EU and non-E.U.) in one location as a group. Participation is recommended for EM students with a scholarship, as part of the ASC workload.
The 4th ASC International Summer School has been held at University Helsinki from 7th to 23th of August 2012. The topic was:
Cultural heritage, Chemistry and Spectroscopy
The first ASC summer school has been held in Jaca in July 2009, on the specific subject “Spectroscopy of the atmosphere”. The 2010 summer school has been held in Oppurg on "Fascinating spectra of magic compounds, a practical course in natural product chemistry", and organized by the University of Leipzig in August. Our 3rd ASC summerschool in 2011 took place in Lille and treated "New methods in Solid State NMR and related techniques for the analysis of Inorganic Materials".