Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced spectroscopy in chemistry

Programme aims

The aim of the programme is to prepare students for professional roles in the field of industrial chemistry with expertise in experimental spectroscopy methods for determining chemical and physical parameters. Specifically, they conduct research, tests, experiments and analyses on products, materials or formulations of industrial relevance and for basic applications, identifying their composition and properties. They identify and apply survey methods and formulate theories on the basis of observations. They design or improve products, materials, formulations or processes also of a non-conventional type using theoretical simulation techniques.
They possess the theoretical and practical skills needed to work in multi-disciplinary, international environments dedicated to:
- research,
- development,
- production,
- safety and quality control
- the application and commercialisation of materials or products for industrial systems, agriculture, services and consumption.
Graduates are also able to understand and tackle problems relating to the use of the most advanced spectroscopic methodologies for the analysis and design of innovative materials, and the development and implementation of industrial processes.
The specialist curriculum followed by the students guarantees an in-depth knowledge of a uniform selection of topics consistent with the objectives of the programme.
In order to achieve these results, the programme envisages 3 learning areas that supplement the learning undertaken to acquire the necessary professional skills.
The aim of the first area, Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy, is to impart the basic knowledge and principles of quantum mechanics and the electronic structure of atoms and molecules and to ensure students understand the basic theories of the most common spectroscopic techniques. More specifically, students will study:
- the principles governing the structure-activity or structure-property relations of products and materials; their chemical, physical and spectroscopic characterisation, including their operating behaviour
- molecular modelling methodologies, calculator simulation, the design and creation of new products or materials, including liquid crystals, molecular crystals, polymers, biologically active products and bio-compatible materials, materials for energy and the environment
- thermodynamic, kinetic and catalytic aspects related to the development of chemical processes and their conduction and optimisation
The Spectroscopic Analysis and Environment area involves the study of the fundamental concepts of Mass Spectrometry, the analysis of spectroscopic data, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical techniques and integrated environmental monitoring techniques. More specifically, students will study:
- spectroscopic methodologies for the analysis of molecular species in relation also to environmental matters
- spectroscopic methodologies involving the analysis of surfaces and in particular those that involve core electrons
- electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical methodologies also in operational mode.
Study of the Industrial, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry area enables students to define the criteria for ensuring the optimum conditions under which to conduct industrial chemical processes, from an affordability, safety and environmental impact perspective, to examine the underlying chemical and physical phenomena of organic chemistry and their transformations and catalysis, to specify the main inorganic compound classes of the periodic elements and to identify the relationships between structure and properties. More specifically, students will study:
- the chemistry and technology of the main product classes, also with biological activity, or materials, including innovative functional materials and nanomaterials; the techniques for designing, preparing and characterising the same; the criteria for the selection and use of materials or products for industry, agriculture, services and consumption
- methodologies for the preparation of organic, metal-organic and inorganic polyfunctionalised or polymeric products or materials; the use of innovative reactives and versatile intermediates for the industrial and laboratory production of compounds including those that are enantiomerically pure
- methodologies for chemical-physical preparation and characterisation and for the reactivity of catalytic systems.