Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Classrooms, labs and libraries

The Teaching rooms and the study room

The teaching rooms are located in Via Luciano Montaspro, 97 - Forlì.
They have different equipment and capacity but they all offer the University free WIFI system coverage.
In the building there also spaces dedicated to individual or group study freely available for use.

Laboratory supporting the Master's Degree Teaching Activities 

The degree programme facilities comprise various structures and areas that you can benefit to carry out your learning activities. You may also take advantage of them for study purpose and for professional research.

Other Laboratories


The library in Via Montaspro 97  is a division of the Central Library "Roberto Ruffilli" - Campus of Forlì.

Italian and foreign books, mainly related to the subjects and the sectors of interest of both the bachelor’s and the master's degree courses, are available for consultation and for loan.